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I passed back and fort in my bedroom as I began to think of possible ways for Ria to be identical to my wife. But none came to mind other than them being the same person.

Alice had come back after I left while Jasper, Emmett and Rose all stayed away. Alice smiled sadly at me. I didn't understand what was going on. Never in my many, many years on this planet had I experienced something like this. Alice had saw this coming, ofcourse. She explained how she couldn't see much farther of this all, she explained how this situation was weird for her because she can only see a little farther day by day, which has never happened before.

I didn't know how to react, I wanted to kill Bella but Ria more. It's like Bella could have been the starter to an amazing main course, Ria is both the main and desert. That's the only way of me possibly understanding myself. I didn't know whether i wanted her as my meal or more. Carlisle had tried explaining to me how he had come to change esme instead of killing her. He told me how he knew he wanted to kill her, how he wanted to drain her of everything she had but decided he couldn't live with out her. It wasn't just her blood he lusted for but her heart.

That was the only possible explanation for why Ria wasn't drained and left dead on the cafeteria floor this afternoon. I just didn't know how to go about all this. I didn't know how I wanted her in my life let alone how I was going to refrain from killing her.

The only thing that really had me confused was the thought of choosing Ria over Ella.

My mind forgot Ella when I thought of Ria, I couldn't wrap myself around how that could be possible. I'd spent many a year mourning my wife's death but all of a sudden it could just as well be that Ella never existed. That's what Ria did for me.

Comparing Ria and Bella was simple. Bella made me want to ruin her, kill her and be a murderer where as Ria made me want to touch her, kiss her warm neck and serenade her body all while drinking her delicately and easily saving every drop of her for later.

She was completely and irrationally different.


"Edward where are you going?"

"No where Alice, I'll be back later"

I had decided to go and find Ria. I hadn't decided whether or not I would actually speak to her or I'd just watch her. I had to find her home first of all. But that wasn't hard. I could hear thoughts of people who'd just seen her. I could hear them saying how they'd never seen her around and how her hair was beautifully put and how she was the new girl Forks was speaking about. I followed the thoughts until I came to a bus stop. She rides the bus, how horrible.

I took hold of the phone I barley used and called Alice demanding she tell me where Ria lived, Alice smartly replied how she'd only seen Ria's home once and that it wasn't a clear picture but never the less she told me, it was a small white 2 story home with a giant garden and a brightly coloured pastel blue door. A small car parked outside. I could tell this was her home, her scent screaming from the walls even though she'd only moved in.

I parked my car before slowly, slower than human pace, walking up onto the porch and gently knocking on the front door. I made a mental note not to be too forward. After today I had no doubt that Ria would be angry or even scared if she saw me.

A tall women with long blonde hair answered my call, her smile widening and her thoughts running wild.

'What could this handsome man possibly need here' her mind screamed.

I smiled before stuffing my hands into my pockets trying to control myself, the strong scent of Ria drifting from the woman.

"Hi, uh- I'm looking for Ria?" My voice was more hoarse than usual.

"Rias not here at the moment, is there anything I can do for you?" She smiled, her face quite like Ella-Ria. But she didn't resemble Ella's mother, not one bit. But her English accent was strong, stronger than the faint one Ria had.

"No- uh- never mind. I'll call another time, thank you" I quickly made a run for my car but she was too fast.

"Can I take a message?, Ria's at work" she smiled leaning out the door.

'Ria, you've done me proud baby girl' her head screamed, I couldn't help but smile at this. I laughed lightly before shaking my head.

"No- I- where does she work?" I smiled, she winked before telling me that Ria worked in the local store beside a Norma's burgers, I knew the place well from the many times Alice had me drive her there to buy groceries even though we rarely eat.

"Thank you Miss..?"

"Costello, Ash Costello but please, call me ash" she smiled.

I nodded before making my way to my car and getting in quickly. I watched as Rias mother closed the door smiling as I backed out of the driveway and onto the road that led to the town, I didn't exactly know what I was going to do. Would I go into the store and approach her or simply go home. For once I didn't have control of my body or mind for that matter. I didn't know what I was doing until I heard the cling of the bell above the door go notifying people of my presence.

There she sat reading, the woman I once called my wife. Something changed in my mind, she didn't remind me of my wife only her looks but right now they were changing. Ria was beginning to become an individual I'd never once seen before. It was all so different yet comfortably the same. She looked like someone I once knew but a new and recycled version. Her mind screamed but nothing made sense. I couldn't take it. My head was spinning with how confused it was. Was this Ella, was this someone above or below playing tricks on me, trying to get me back for something I'd done. I couldn't handle it so I did the only thing i knew how to. I ran.

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now