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I had asked Edward to take me home about 20 minutes ago and we still hadn't left his home, his family were all back and sitting with us at the kitchen table. I was the only one to drink the pot of tea Esme had laid out for everyone.

Edward barley spoke to me as we tried to finish our project, which was falling apart from the lack of communication we had going. It was almost 6 now and I'd been here all day, and I wanted nothing more than to go home to my mom and relax with her, we had school in two days so I wanted to get ready for that too and relax while I had the time to. I hadn't been paying attention to the families conversation and I didn't really want to, I was drained and hung over and I wanted nothing more than to go home.

"So, Ria! How are you liking it here?" Alice smiled. She was always so happy and bubbly. I envied that about her.

"Uh- it's cool yeah, kinda cold but it's okay" I smiled and thanked her for asking. I couldn't forget manners here, definitely didn't need to embarrass myself.

"Hey- uh I'm sorry to break up your conversation but could you take me home Edward? It's getting late" I smiled, I felt rude having to ask him in front of everyone but he'd promised to take me home almost half an hour ago now.

"Oh- dear Edward get her home she has spent her whole day here! I'm sorry Ria I didn't realise the time" Esme said, she stood and tapped Edwards shoulder to make him stand too. I shook my head smiling. Esme always had to make sure everyone was taken care of before herself, such a motherly natured woman.


Edward barley spoke a word to me as we drove home. My mom wasn't picking up her phone and i was beginning to get worried.

"Are we okay?" I asked as we drove nearer to my home.

"Yes" was all he replied, his eyes still on the road.

"Well could you look at me and say that, maybe a bit more sincerely?" I bit back. His attitude was getting on my nerves.

"Yes" he bit back just as evily.

I didn't say anything until we reached my home. All the lights in my house were on and the door was wide open. What was going on? I jumped out of the car not bothering to thank Edward. I skipped up the steps to my house and wandered inside. Mom was sat on the couch. A familiar look on her face, yet I couldn't place it.

"Mom? You okay?" I asked. She wouldn't look me in the eye. I knew that look, She sat still and only as she sat there not moving did I notice. There were pills and syringes all littered around her, spoons with black and brown strains on them, cigarettes and alcohol. This again.

"Mom?" I whispered. I heard a pan fall in our kitchen and quickly ran towards it, that was the only time my mother moved. She tackled me trying to stop me from getting to the kitchen. She was hiding someone.

"Get off me!" I shouted as I pushed her away. I stomped to the kitchen and stopped. This couldn't be happening. It was as if we had gone back in time. My father, who id not seen in over 10 years sat there at our kitchen table, separating his white fix of powder up with his credit card- or my mothers more likely- and dipping his head to the table and breathing it in through his nose. I could feel tears beginning to sting my eyes.

"Get out" I mustered. I was so angry that he'd come here or that my mother had brought him here. I was angry that she'd been stupid enough to give in to him and his addiction, after all the shit she went through to get off it, after all the shit she'd put me through.

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