Minnowpaw is perhaps the only cat in BrookClan that understands that there is more past the reef border. She's seen the vast land beyond in glimpses, and she is determined to find her way to it.
One day the young cat finally becomes free. She disco...
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Knitting her claws into the moss, Minnowpaw yawned gently. She flipped over to her back, careful not to hit her denmates. Her hind-leg gently tapped Sunpaw on the head, Minnowpaw's head picking up with alarm. Her fear melted away as Sunpaw wasn't aware that she was awake.
The apprentice rolled over to her belly, boosting up to her fours. She stretched once more before starting to stalk out of the tightly woven den. She zig-zagged past the heads that blocked her way out, and soon the dim sunshine reached her eyelashes, greeting her with a shadow.
A mockingbird called out in the early morning, zooming past the sky. Actual hunger for prey prickled at Minnowpaw's stomach, yet she resisted the urge. Unfortunately, this apprentice ate loudly.
Her dandelion colored eyes flickered to the entrance of the camp, anticipation crawling up to her mind. Oh, how she longed to be out of this cage. You would think the wild was free, yet in BrookClan they kept them cooped, and only Rushingstar could allow the felines to travel out of camp. No one even stood up and stopped those silly rules.
Ridiculous? Yes.
Not wanting to spoil the moment by being late, Minnowpaw joyfully pranced toward the entrance. So close! So close! So close! Her paw stepped outside the bramble walls and then--