Crazy in love

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Noah had noticed that there was something wrong with Y/N.
"Woah Y/N. you ok babe?"
He asked, turning his attention to you.
"N-no....Noah...I'm hurt."
Was all that you could say.
"You can tell me anything."
His voice was so calm and soothing.
That made you even more sad considering you were leaving him.
"Noah..I have go g-go soon.."
That was so hard to say.
There were tears starting to form in Noah's eyes which only made your heart sink more.
It's like your heart was on the titanic.
Gasping for air and yelling,
That's not even exaggeration.
This truly hurt.
This hurt worse than any other life experience.
You hated the thought of losing someone you loved.
This was exactly like when you had lost your brother.
"Y/ can't leave...."
Noah said after several moments of silence.
"Noah I have to. I-I have school and-"
You started.
"Schools not til another month and a half!"
Noah said.
His voice sounded so sad and innocent.
It just broke your heart.
"My mom has a job...."
You knew it didn't matter how much Noah begged and pleaded for you to stay.
No matter how much you wanted to stay with him, forever, you knew your mother wouldn't let you.
After all, you lived across the country.
Noah didn't know what to say after that and to be honest, neither did you.
"Noah. Come here."
Was all that would come out.
You hugged him tightly, but not too tight.
He must've been ok with it because he hugged back.

~Your POV~
Damn I was gonna miss him.
His hugs, his jokes, his hair, his dorkiness, everything.
Just, everything.
After we pulled away, I had realized that I was crying because Noah wiped a tear from my cheek.
I smiled at him even though that had made me want to ball my eyes out even more.
God I loved him.
Then he spoke up.
"Let's run away"
He blurted out.
I stuttered.
I heard what he said, but I was very confused by it.
"I said we should run away."
He repeated.
At first I thought he was just joking but, He really meant it.
He meant every little bit of it.
"R-run away? Noah do you know what kind of trouble we could get in-"
I said.
This was an absolutely crazy plan.
How did he come up with this?
All this was very confusing and my words were jumbled.
"Y/N. we don't have to tell anyone. It can just be me and you. Together. You don't have to go Y/N."
His tone was serious.
He really, truly meant this.
He wanted to run away.
But why?
He had so much to live for here.
"That's crazy Noah. What about your fans?"
I asked him.
"Ok I love my fans to death, don't get me wrong, but I love you too much to let you go Y/N."
He replied.

~No POV~
You needed to make a decision.
But how?
It was either go back home to your family,
Or run away with the love of your life.
Decisions were hard.
Especially ones that involved the people you love and the people who care about you.
You felt like you were going crazy.
And it was all because of some boy.
That's because
Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart.

Commercial: brought to you by: "Dom's shaved ice parlor. We got all ya favorite flavors such as crystal meth and that guys hair!" 😂👏🏻👏🏻

Hey guys! TYSM for 3K I'm screaming. Like how?!

This is very confusing to me.

Like why are you even reading this trash?

Another question, how the hell do you guys read so fast?!
Like, right after I updated I immediately get notifications.

Lmao I'm not complaining

Ok thanks everyone!

P.S...You'll float too...


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