Our place

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It took you awhile for your brain to process everything that was going on.
Noah understood that you needed some time because this was a big deal.
After several moments of thinking, you spoke up.
"I'll do it."
"W-what really?"
Noah asked.
You nodded.
No matter how much you loved your family and friends back home, they didn't understand you like Noah did.
He made you feel comfortable no matter what you were doing.
He picked you up and spun you around.
You laughed as your hair flew in the wind.
Why did he make everything so..perfect?

Chloe was with her best friend Julia.
You had heard lots about her from Chloe, but you also knew that she was actually Noah's ex.
You really wanted to know why they broke up because Noah was so gosh darn perfect.
Well, nobody's perfect but he was pretty close.
You decided that you would ask about it later.
"Hey can I take you somewhere?"
He smirked.
"Sure. Where?"
You asked smiling.
"It's a place. My place."
"What kind of place?"
You asked.
"It's a surprise."
He said.
"Oh my gosh Noah. Your whole life is a surprise!"
You laughed.
"Yeah yeah I know but cmon. You'll love it."
He smiled.
"You think so?"
You said.
"I know so. After all, have you ever not liked one of my surprises?"
He cocked an eye brow at you.
You rolled your eyes and smiled.
He was right.
There wasn't one surprise that he planned for you that you didn't love.
He took your hand and guided you to this "special place".

It took a good 10 minutes to get there.
It was on top of a hill.
A tall hill.
You stopped and looked up at the hill.
It looked more of a mountain.
"You ok?"
He asked, now stopping.
"Uh y-yeah it's just really high up.."
You said, not taking your eyes off the tall hill.
"Don't worry. I'll be right here."
He said, intertwining your fingers.
You blushed and nodded.
Something about him made you feel like everything was going to be alright.
There was a somewhat random ladder at the bottom of the hill that lead to a balcony at the top.
Noah let you go first, to make sure that you wouldn't fall.
And you didn't.
After you both made it up to the balcony, your eyes widened.
It was absolutely beautiful.
You could see the whole town.
The beautiful pastel sky, the gentle breeze.
No wonder Noah loved this place so much.
"You know, nobody really knows about this place. Except for me and now you."
He said.
"What about Julia? Did you ever show her?"
You asked as you kept your gaze on the pink and purple sky.
He seemed a little surprise.
Maybe he didn't know that you knew about Julia.
But you did know about her.
Very well.
"Uh no actually..."
He said.
You were confused.
Why would he show this to you and not her?
But you just smiled.
It was very nice of him.
"But I don't want it to be only my place anymore..."
He started.
You were both now looking into each others eyes.
"I want it to be our place."
He finished.
"I'd love that."
You said as you kissed his cheek.
He started blushing and it was literally the most adorable thing ever.
But then.
Then you heard thunder.
It was so random.
Thunder? On a day like this?
It made no sense.
It seemed as if the universe was saying that something bad was going to happen.
But that wouldn't happen.
"Y/N. we should go before it gets too cold."
Noah said.
You nodded and headed for the ladder.
You went down first.
The wind was shaking the ladder, causing Noah to get worried.
"Y/N be careful..."
He said.
"It's ok I'm fine."
You insisted.
But then there was one big gust of wind, that caused the ladder to shake even more.
Your foot slipped off of the ladder.
You could hear faint screams from him.
Then it went black.

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Cliff hangerrrr

Y'all are gonna hate meh for this chapter butttt oh whale. 😂

This book is going to take forever to finish but I'm thinking about making a sequel. Thoughts?


4K?!? Already?! Yo you guys are the best I love you all to pieces.


Stay cool.

And keep floating ;)


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