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For some reason i felt safe with him even know that he just kill my dad.
Tobys pov
Ive been carrying her for a while so i looked down to she her fast asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but to fall for her with her (h/l) (h/c)
Hair And her (e/c) eyes.
We finally got to slender's mansion, i quickly lay her down in my bed and go to slender's office..
Slenderman's pov
Ive been expecting toby to bring (y/n) back to the mansion to become a proxy.
"She is here, but she fell asleep so ima just let her sleep and ill bring her to you first thing in the morning ok?" toby says
"Ok thats perfectly fine toby, thank you"
Tobys pov
I quickly run back to my room to see (y/n) still asleep. I decided to climb
Into bed and cuddle her.
(Y/N) pov
I wake up to the feeling of warm arms around me i roll over to see the same boy, except he didnt have the goggles. I immediately started to blush as I seen his eyes meet mine.
"Well look who is up"
He says as he sits up "We've never really met, sooooo" *he sits me up*
"H-Hi, im toby" he says while blushing
"Um, H-Hi im (y/n)" you say while also blushing
"H-hey your really cute"
Toby says.
You quickly look away trying to hide the fact that you're blushing like crazy.
"Thanks" you said.
"O-ok if I be honest promise me you won't run away f-from me" he said
"I promise" you said

Ticci Toby X Reader Lemon / FluffWhere stories live. Discover now