chapter 11

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(a friend had a suggestion that helped me a little with this)

~Hayley's POV~

Jax and I backed up slowly. Jeff decided to run at me full force and tackle me to the ground. He was laughing hysterically. Jax stood shocked. I screamed trying to get free. Then i had a great idea. "JAX GO GET SLENDERMAN!!!" I yelled. "WHO?!" dang it... "JUST KNOCK AND ASK FOR SLENDERMAN SAY HAYLEY NEEDS HELP!!!" I screamed. Jeff was still laughing. He played with the knife as i was underneath him. Jax pounded on the door. Jeff leaned in close to me. "now it's time to..." Oh god not again. "GO! TO!" He raised the knife up and I closed my eyes and waited to die. "SLEE-" This time I diddn't kiss him. This time it was something else. He turned his head and static buzzed in my head. THANK GOD SLENDY IS HERE! Slenderman moved to Jeff. Jeff got a scared look. Slenderman grabbed his face with his claw hands. Jeff seemed to snap out of his crazed state and went back to being a bit normal. Slenderman let go. He turned towards me. |im sorry about that hayley. Your not the first person jeffs cared for then turned on He goes threw ruff times. Violence has becane a big part of his life. Please forgive him?| He said in my head. "Of course, I understand now." I said. Slenderman waved and went back inside. Now i know if Jeff's not protecting me somebody else will be there. Jeff got off of me and backed up shocked untill he hit a tree and slid to the ground so he was sitting. "I-I'm so sorry....." He said. I walked up to him slowly. "Hey, It's alright" i took what slenderman said into consideration. "No- I said I'd never hurt you again..." He burried his head in his knees. "Jeff im fine look you diddnt hurt me" I said. "It was too close for comfort... I'm not fit to be your friend or anymore then that definately" He said. "Jeff..." I said lifting his head up. I began to kiss him. It felt like time had frozen. When we let go jeff smiled sweetly. "Jeff I want you to be mine. And be there for me and love me. I feel ready for this...." I said. "Really?! Of course!" He answered grabbing my face and looking into my eyes. We kissed again before we were interupted. "Uh guys. sorry to intrerupt but i need help still" Jax wimpered. We both spun around. I ran to him. "Oh Jeff! He needs medical attention!" I said. "Oh no..." He said. "What?!" I turned around to see A group of teenagers in the distance. They were laughing and goofing off. "Jeff we gotta get in the house!" I said.

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