The Beginning of Captivity

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                Tiana woke up, wondering why her dad didn't tell her to wake up like he always did. The events of yesterday came rushing back and she collapsed on the bed. Why me. Why did this happen to me? I'm trapped in a house with a possible psychopath and I just want out! As soon as she thought about him, a sharp knock sounded throughout the room. 

                "I want you up and ready in 20 minutes. We have a busy day ahead of us." The voice outside of her room was warm, which didn't seem to fit the person it belonged to. No matter how many times she heard his voice, it always threw her off. Quickly climbing out of bed, looking through the wardrobe for an outfit that would make her seem at ease in this hellhole. She dressed in a sundress that reached just above her knees, with her white sneakers. She quickly tied up her hair, and gave a small smile of satisfaction to herself in the mirror. She quickly glanced at the clock and noticed she had five minutes left til he would come to fetch her from her room. She quickly picked up a book off of her bookshelf and thumbed through it. When she heard the second knock, she marked her place and put the book back on the shelf, turning to face her captor. 

                 "Hello sir. I'm ready for what you have planned today." She tried to speak calmly but her voice was strained and her back was rigid. She hoped he didn't pick up on that. 

                 "I presume you didn't have that great of a night's sleep? You seem very tense and stiff. Would you like a hot bath and a massage? It may loosen up your muscles." He gave her an easy smile, and pointed to the room off to the side that she honestly didn't notice before then. "That is the bathroom. If you'd prefer, you can take a hot bath and we can push our plans a little back." 

                 "That would be lovely, actually. Thank you." 

                  He took his leave and left the room, locking the door behind him. Tiana turned to the room he had pointed to. She walked in and turned to the tub, stripping her clothes. Folding them she placed them on the counter, and started the bath water, making it as hot as she could stand, hoping it would burn away her problems. Looking around, she tracked down the shampoo and conditioner. Climbing into the tub, she gasped at the heat. Her captor was right about one thing, a hot bath definitely helped with her tense muscles. She also enjoyed the time away from her captor. She soaked for a good part of an hour, until the water had cooled. She climbed out, draining the tub and wrapping a blue cotton towel around her body. Dressing quickly, she returned to the main room of her quarters. 

                "Are you ready, my dear? Let's go. I made breakfast, and then we shall go for a walk through the garden." His voice was proper, and it struck Tiana as odd. Who on earth talks like that? And more importantly, why did she get stuck with the one person who talks like he came out of a romance novel written by a love-struck author in her 60s' obsessed with 'the way things used to be'. Seriously. This was her luck. His behavior kind of reminded her of Castiel in a way, just a kidnapper... and not an angel. Her train of thought wandered as she followed him throughout the house, wondering if maybe she would be allowed to watch Supernatural. She sat down at the table across from him, and gave him a small smile, masking her true emotions. She picked up her fork and sampled the orange chocolate chip pancakes he had made her. Her brain absently wondered how he had yet to find a wife, but then she remembered that was to be her role. Her appetite lessened but she continued eating. 

                "You have a garden?" Tiana made small talk, trying to learn more about this man. The more she knew, the more she could tell the police after she managed to escape. She needed to know as much as possible. 

                "Yes, I do. I have a butterfly garden along with a garden filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. Personally, the butterfly garden is my favorite. It's absolutely gorgeous in the spring, butterflies of every color and kind. They are so beautiful, and nothing makes me happier than sitting out there and watching them." His eyes held a small bit of happiness before it fell back to their normal cool and collected look. 

               "Are there any butterflies out at this time? I know its autumn and all, but I'd love to see them! I love sketching them. Honestly, I just love art in general. It makes me feel peaceful." She started rambling about the things she used to do back at her old town, letting her guard drop slightly. She included the fact that she had painted the town's mural, and had some of her paintings hung up in her favorite diner as well. Her mask ended up slipping so far her smile wasn't even fake. She was actually enjoying talking about her art to someone who listened and actually seemed interested. 

              "So, tell me about your school. Did you like it there? Anybody seem interesting?" Her captor had said, genuinely sounding like he was curious. 

               "I actually did like it. No one was outright cruel to me and I didn't get any pitying glances because no one knew about my mother there. I actually ended up meeting someone that was really quite nice. He showed me around." Her mask went back up when she thought about Charlie. By now, people would know she was missing. She hoped they actually were looking for her and not marking her as a runaway. They had to be looking. They had to be! Until she was found, she was just going to stay here, being the perfect image of the wife he wanted. Either he will trust her enough to leave the doors unlocked, or someone will find her. Of this, she knew. 


I am so sorry this is late! I've been busy with work and I ended up screwing up my finger somehow. Can't really move it. I also ended up getting shots in my feet so I ended up writing to take my mind off the pain. I'm gonna update as soon as possible, so thank you for your patience! Ideas are appreciated. Next chapter is going to be focusing on a different character. 

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