The Last Normal Day

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           Tiana Lynn Waterman pulled herself out of bed, her alarm clock blaring. She groaned, reaching over to shut it off. Why do mornings exist, she thought to herself. She sighed and rummaged through her closet, looking for something decent to wear. It was the first day of her Junior year in high school, and she decided this year she would finally reinvent herself. She had just moved to a new town over the summer, and wanted to fit in with some group, for a change. 

           "Tia! Are you up? I need you to hurry, I have a meeting at nine." Mitchell, her father, yelled up the stairs. They had moved due to a new job opening up for him, one that paid well and would finally give him enough time with his daughter. 

           "I will be down in ten minutes!" Tiana replied. She turned to the mess of clothes on the bed, and sighed. She decided on a pair of high waisted jeans and a slightly baggy blue shirt, paired with her white sneakers. Running a comb through her mess of dark brown curls, she smiled in satisfaction. Making sure she had everything she needed, she ran through the hall and down the stairs, nearly knocking her dad over.

          "Wow, ten minutes exactly," he remarked, a small smirk on his face. "You just set a record. Fastest time it took Tia to get ready." 

           Tiana groaned and rolled her eyes playfully. "Daaaaaaad. I don't take that long! Anyways, I thought we were leaving now."

            "Ready when you are," he remarked, as he picked up his bag and keys. "You ready for your first day at Deer Valley High?"

            "As ready as I can be. Let's go! I wanna get it over with." She lugged her stuff out into the 1999 Monte Carlo, which was almost as old as her, but a lovely car regardless. Her dad took his time getting into the car, which struck her as funny, as he was the one in a hurry in the first place. After a car ride which felt like forever, but was probably only 10 minutes, her dad dropped her off at the front.

           "Hey Tia-bug. Do you need a ride home from school? I don't think it would be too far of a walk, but I wanted to know if you would prefer a ride." Her dad grinned sheepishly. 

          "No thanks, you just focus on work today. I will see you when you get home. I'm making homemade pizza." As she stepped out of the car, she glanced at her schedule. "I've got to go figure out where room 203 is. Love you dad!" With a quick kiss on his cheek, she was gone, leaving her dad wondering what happened to his little girl who seemed to grow up way too fast.


          Tiana once again stared down at her schedule as if memorizing it. English, Room 203 for first period; Math of Finance, Room 56 for second; World History, Room 309 for third; lunch; Biology II, Room 107 for fourth; Chinese I, Room 27 for fifth; and a free period for her last hour. Geez. I'm all over the place today! Slowly, she made her way to the second floor to her English class. Finding a seat in the front, like normal, she sat down, focusing on having everything out so that she didn't have to try to find it when class starts.

        "Hey. Newbie. What's your name." The questioned was worded more as a demand, which cause Tiana to look up at the person who disturbed her organization. Said person was a male about 17, with red hair and freckles covering his face. He quickly blushed realizing she was looking at him. "Sorry, that was a bit rude. My name is Charlie. We just aren't used to new people here."

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