Night Riders

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The menacing glare of the beast from within the shadow's, sent fear riding through him with a force that he could never muster; the deep sea blue eye stared right into his own sapphire coloured one's freezing him to the spot.

No matter how much he screamed at himself his body refused to obey its owner, the creature hadn't moved an inch since he had caught the sight of the eyes staring at him from within the darkness.

"Just a dream, just a dream, just a dream"

He told himself over and over again but with each word his will power began to fail; his body took on a conscience of its own as his legs took a step forward towards his doom.

Its breath washed over him in waves of hot moisture chasing the cold away that had begun to seep into his bones with the smell of rotten meat lingering in the air.

The fact he didn't know what lay in the shadows was what made him so afraid, he would accept death if it was his time but the unknown scared him.

Would Death be as painful as he heard it described or would the Grim Reaper spare him from the jaws of death by taking his Spirit just before the pain erupted?

His body was chilled with fear as momentarily the eyes disappeared before reappearing closer still, his breath was caught in his chest as panic started clawing its way through his system and above a bolt of lightning raced across the sky.

It strike a tall oak alimenting it in a glorious white light, the light reached far and wide bringing all into clear vision for a brief moment.

The ownership of those deeply terrifying eyes was revealed.

A startled yelp escaped Luke's vocal cords as he bolted upright in the mist of darkness, his awareness of his whereabouts was befuddled for a few moments before he remembered where he was.

It still took some time for his heart rate and breathing to return to its average pace.

His shaky hand reached tenderly up to his dirty blonde hair to sweep his finger tips through it, his eyes searching the darkness for familiar objects.

Amidst the darkness, the outline of his bow was perched against the wall. His chest swelled with pride upon seeing it.

A wooden table nested in the corner upon which his quiver of arrows rested, the sword his father had given him when he turned 13 was lying on the table also among his bits and bobs.

A shimmer of orange glow burst through his window making his eyes water for a few seconds and shadows danced across the room trying to escape the lights touch.

Sighing deeply he creped from his bed leaving behind the cosy warmth his blankets provided and hopefully the nightmare that had been dogging him for a number of weeks now, it annoyed him to no end that the ownership of those eyes refused to reveal itself.

Tonight had been different though, he caught its online shape before he had awakened but the information just left him more confused than before.

Ridding the dream for a later time to dwell on, he turned his attention to the day's events ahead.

The lands of Azura held tournaments each year once the Spring's breath washed over the country, these tournaments tested strength, stamina, mental toughness and also your daring bravery.

There was one difference however in these lands...

Mythical beasts roamed this land raging terror in their waking step, the tournaments events centred on slaying these beasts so that their rain of terror may end once and for all!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2012 ⏰

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