Chapter 4: Friend or Foe

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Lauren's P.O.V

It's 7pm I've accepted that I'm not going to shift and that there is something wrong with me. Anthony is still not here and my mom is driving
me crazy! Every 10 seconds it's "can i get you a glass of water?" I always reply " nope, still have the first glass you gave me". After spending four hours here, i realized my mom and i have nothing in common. We're all staring at each other until Anthony comes through the door. He just looked at Ashley and said "let's go". I could tell that he felt sorry he used his alpha tone on me earlier because he wouldn't look me in the eye. I got up, gave my mom a hug and ran to the car. I got in so fast I didn't even notice the two children sitting next to me. I've never seen these wolves around our territory and they were to well dressed to be rouges. I tried ignoring the fact that they were right next to me and looked out the window. I bet Anthony is talking to Ashley about these kids right now. I see Anthony and Ashley walking towards the car. Anthony opens the door and says " Are you guys ready to head home?" . I was so confused. I finally just said " Who are these people!". I didn't know i was shouting until after i said it. He looks at me and then back at the road "these are your new roommates" he said with a smug look on his face. Was this a punishment? If it was, what did i do? I rolled my eyes and looked out the window for the rest of the car ride.

When we got home Anthony asked the children what they wanted to be called. "Don't they have names " I thought. The boy said "Alex, i want to be called Alex" the girl that was probably a year or two younger than me said " And I would like to be called Katherine." Anthony looked happy with the names they chose. " Welcome to the pack Alex and Katherine."
He said with a huge smile on his face. The children looked at each other with a small grin. Anthony continued " This is my mate Ashley, and this is my younger sister Lauren" he said pointing at Ashley then I. "Katherine, you and Lauren can share her room" Anthony said with another smile. I immediately butted in. " But thats my room!" i screamed. Anthony replied in a very calm voice and now it's Katherine's room too." I looked down at the ground from his smart remark. "Alex you will have your own room, right across from the girls' room" Anthony said. Alex nodded his head. "You guys should probably head upstairs to bed now. You still have school tomorrow" Ashley said in a sweet voice. All three of us walked up the stairs and into our rooms. I gave Katherine a pair of pajamas to wear for the night. She smiled at me when I handed them to her. She didn't say thank you, all she did was smile. I finally spoke " if we're going to be roommates your going to have to talk a lot more" she looks at me and says "no problem" i chuckled a little. Maybe it won't be that hard to share a room with this girl.

"Girls wake up! You don't want to miss breakfast!" Ashley screamed into my.....i mean our room. I woke up hopped in and out of the shower and started getting dressed. I heard a knock on the bathroom door. " Are you almost done? I still have to take a shower" Katherine shouted from the other side of the door. I had completely forgotten that we had to share a bathroom too. I yelled " Yea" back to her and picked up my pace a little bit. I walk out and threw my hair into a messy bun. I notice Katherine didn't have anything to wear today. So i picked out a super cute top for her to wear with a pear of jeans. Maybe we'll go on our first sister shopping trip after school today. I went to the table and scarfed down my blueberry pancakes that were drenched in syrup. I notice Alex staring at me with a weird look on his face. " What? Never see a girl eat pancakes before" i said. He looks away and laughs a little then looked back at me and said " Never like that" he was slightly laughing at me until Katherine came down stairs. She ate her pancakes almost exactly how i did. I looked at Alex while she was eating. He just rolled his eyes and grabbed the backpack Ashley got for him. " Alex, what grade are you in" I asked him in a serious voice. He turns so he was facing me and said "10th, and Katherine is in 8th grade". I looked at him and said " we might have a few classes together then" he smiled and sarcastically said "yay!". Ashley ran into the room " If we don't leave now you guys are going to be late!" She yelled. We all packed up our things and darted to the car. This is going to be a very interesting day.

*****Authors 😃 Note***********

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Please read my friends books 😜

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First Rejected Now Wanted
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God's Second Angel ( dog story) 👍
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Without Comfort ( WW2) 👍

Make sure to check out their books they're SUPER good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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