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Salaams!to yhu oh members of wattpad, tnx 4 reading last chapter honestly........yhu make my dae.#muah.
As dis is my 1st book & dis is d 1st tym am writing one yhu r bound to fynd sooooo much misstaeks. But pls yhu r freeeeeee to correct any if yhu find#(spellings & gbagawns).
Xoxo 💋
~☆He just stood there looking at me......awkward silence......okay i have to stop this moment. So i just say..
'Uhm yaayah....you were saying something koh....'
'Mmmm..yes....your fingers they look like they need to see the nurse.....'he says. Hell he was right my fingers are swelling really fast and they look like if you as much as prick them with something as soft at a fingernail they might burst. God....why do i have such soft skin? I mean if it were sarah (my nanny/maid/almost best person in the world who has a daughter my age) she gets a fresh bruised at least 2 times a day and does her hands swell?.........NO!.....he reaches for my hand and helps me to my feet he starts making for the door.......I stop.
'No........yaayah I'll manage. I don't want to go the nurse.' I protest.
'No munaar........you have to' He says, concern evident in his voice.

'No.......ba zaka  gane ba ne........I'm scared of nurses, she might wanna give me medicines or worse yet...........inject me.I shudder with fear as i say the word inject. He holds my face with both of his hands and looks direct into my face......my eyes actually..........and says:
'Look munaar, I'm here with you I won't let anybody harm you......now c'mon let's go to the sickbay......"
Oh my Allah.......I'm on cloud nine. Me and him walking together........i want this moment to stay......forever. we go to the nurse's office and she's not there so we wait. While waiting he just keeps tracing circles on my knee---am wearing jeans---.
The lady arrives........apologises for being late (it's against school rules to keep a student waiting for more than 5 minutes) and attends to me.
After like 15 minutes of examining the nurse says they need to do a minor operation on my hand to let all the bad blood out.......oh...em...gee.....an operation on.............MEE!!!. This is so not okay. I begin to panic..........
'Ma'am........I don't think you have to operate on it.......seriously it's just swollen a little.......I can manage'i say. The nurse just looks at me and said
'Your highness, we have to.......it's not what you think it is.......this(she waves at my hands which each finger now is the size of a baby turnip) what you call "swollen a little" if left for more than 30 minutes will turn into something serious something that has to be treated by the head medical centre so if you don't wanna be taken to the big-medic then you have to allow this operation to take place.....it won't take much time.....and you will be on anaesthesia........'she says encouragingly, motherly (you know those type of mums that when they say yes; it remains yes) and yet soooo nice.
'okay ma'am' i say.
I look up and see Ahmad pacing up and down and reminds of a husband whose wife is in the Labour room.....it is too sad to know I am his wife and where I am is a replica of a Labour room. I suddenly feel the urge to talk to him.
'But ma'am before we start I'll like to have a word with my cousin out there?' I say more of a question than a statement.
'Sure......your highness'she says.
I walk out of the consulting room and head towards him. Immediately he saw me he came to me and I swear this were his words......nothing more nothing less.#blushes#.
'Oh thank God you are out......you dunno how much worried i am right now........how's your hand. Hope it isn't serious.....I feel so bad about this......wallahi duk ni na jawo.......am so so sorry.....kinji'.he gushed like Gurrara waterfalls#sorry I couldn't help exaggerating;-)#. He's sounding very  concerned.
'It's okay.......they just have to do a minor operation.......and what's there to be sorry for? ,I ask.
'Are you sure it's okay?....well I'm sorry...... it was cos I surprised you that you shut your fingers in your diary.....any way the nurse is looking at you she probably wants to start the job now.......good luck......' he leans and holds my face in his hands then he did something............
Wanna know what he did? Then next chapter is the place you should go. Sank you berri berri mach.❤💋❤💋❤👑
Masoyiyarku a kodayaushe
+pls comment,vote and keep on reading thanks.💋
And I just wanna let you know every single one of you is👑👑👑!!!
Looove you @fadeemah

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