☆Cast........ (main)☆... &A/N.

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Heyyyyzzzz!#waves# sorry for late update.....lemme fada muku gaskiya......yau I slept like die..
Anyways tnx for reading. Again...
.. am sorry💋💋💋I kinda sumhw 4got to write the cast(due to my ginnado brain)so am using dis "leeeetle" opportunity to write.
Thanks a lot
~Sultanah Munaar Roofa'ee khaleel Almery-main cast.
~Ardo Ahmad Elbashaar Akbar-also main cast.
~Hajja Aa'eeshah Akbar-munaar's mother/Ahmad's Aunt.
~Daada Manga-Ahmads mum.
~Saarah-munaar's maid/nanny/cheif adviser.
~Irfaan&Afrah-Ahmad siblings (twins)
~Fađeemah Kabeer-her frnd/Saarah's daughter.
~Mariyam Mahmoûd Modibbo-her frnd/princess of Jimeta.
~Jeddãh Haider Aaliyou II-her frnd/princess of kaita.
~Rôsellè Belle DéMariposèlle-her frnd/princess of a small village in France(is in Nigeria due to security reasons).
~Aaleeyah Bhatt Singhania-princess of mayapuri/Ahmad's ex-girlfriend.
~Aameer Mahmoûd Modibbo-Ahmad's bestie/Maryams brother and Jeddah's boyfriend(crush actually but he'll eventually ask her out).
~Muhammad Shureim Nour El_khaleefah-Ahmads friend/Prince of a small province 1 Egypt.
~Najeebah Muhandis-munaar's mum's New Secretary.and a great chatterbox.
~Bruce Tom-munaar's Bodyguard .
That's all I think for now. But if I come up with New I'll surely let you know.
Thanks a whole lot
"Let's do a bit of math.....I miss school.
Solve the equation below.
Final answer...
#2)what and what do you sum up to give you 100% ❤?
10% patience+5%sweetness +10%care+10%sharing +10%transparency+10%loyalty+5%tolerance+50%true love=a cute 100%❤.
Thanks for attending my lesson.....homework:prove my answers right by putting them into actions it doesn't have to be the normal boyfriend-girlfriendy love....I know there's that  cousin of yours or that  auntie or even yet your sweet old momma out there waiting for love to come from you well all you have to do is add those ☝attributes together and you'll see wonders.lesson of the day"be the reason sumone smiled today".
Bye....... have fun showing ppl wat true love can be...."
~☆Well somebody sent that to me today so I just thought maybe I could share it with my fellow wattpad-ders.no negative feelings.....tnx..☆~
Keh fatee yakke@fadeemah
Zis shapta is po mai wan and onli Patuma.@fadeemah

I loobu you looadi looadi❤❤❤
~He holds my head in his hands and looked directly into my eyes an do something................!
He kissed me on the forehead....who thought yaayah Ardo could be romantic......Yaa  Subhaan......I know he didn't do it out of romance but to me....my hubby kissed my forehead and could you tell me what's more romantic than that?...obviously NO.
'Fi Amanillah'he whispered as he led me into the theatre room. The surgeon Ms. Nailah Oberoi, helped me on the bed and inserts the needle into my vein.....I start feeling dizzy.....my vision starts blurring......Everything goes........Black. A perfect way to end your birthday day.
I wake up with a little headache at first I couldn't realise where I was cuz my room back in the dorm is Black themed and has black furniture and all that. Plus my bed is comfy and soft what with all those layers of duvet....but this room has a weird feeling to it...I pinch myself to see if I am still dreaming or what...it was all white and smells of antiseptic....that's when it hit me....I am in a clinic ward/room.....my head continues to throb...I need water.....I check my surroundings and see a bottle of nestlè purelife table water on the side drawer next to the bed. I begin to  reach for it but my hand can't just move.  That's when I notice my hand is hanging on a metal and some sort of strong fabric thingy. YaaRabbil'arsh...what am I supposed to do now....as I am trynna figure out how to let go of my hand the door handle moves and a lady whom I do not recognise comes In she's wearing a dark blue suit with a golden polka dotted flare skirt. She ties a golden and blue striped veil in form of a turban she has olive colored skin and chocolatey eyes which is now hosting a rich coat of mascara and khohl that's the only make up she's wearing though...she smiles immediately she senses am looking at her and comes towards the bed........
'Salaam aleykum Sultaanah. I'm Najeebah, your mum sent me to come and check on you she heard of the minor accident that occurred. She says she's so sorry she can't come cos she's flying to Italy this morning for the naming ceremony of Queen Lateefah of Gombe's 2nd Grandchild taking place at Rome,by the way I am her new Secretary she had to let go of her last one because she kept coming late to work. And she also sent you some goodies which are being taken to your room at the moment and that dress you said you wanted for the end of term ball, it's not available in black so she designed another one herself for you believe me it's nice she's getting the fabric from Italy, and I brought the sketch along with me to show to you' she gushed pausing only for breath. Clearly She doesn't speak Hausa.She suddenly covers her mouth with her right hand and her eyes enlarged.
'What's it.....is anything wrong?'i ask.
'Ya Sultaanah am very sorry I almost fogot you must be tired from the operation and here I am chattering on and on--thank God she knows--'like a newly freed canary. She sits beside me on the bed. Uses the back of her hand to feel my temperature.
'Is there anything you need,Ya Sayyidaty? She asks.
'Umm...no...I mean can I have a glass of water...... please' I add.
'Only water ya sultaanah, nothing more? .
'yeah....just water....thanks.'
'Mention not ya sayyidaty' she says and starts to leave for the door.
'Umm Ms.Najeebah, there's a bottle of water here just that I can't reach it' I say.
'Noooo' she practically screams.'your Daada says I shouldn't let you drink any liquid apart from your medicines from the school she says she doesn't trust their water purification system--how typical of my mum--
I'll just be right back'then she frowns .
'Is anything the matter' I ask.
'No....... it's just that the dispenser......I'm not actually sure how to bring it here.......' she says kind of nervously.
'O M G Daada made you bring a dispenser to school?.....don't worry I'll just text Bruce to help you bring it in--now's my turn to frown...I realise my phone Isn't here(we are allowed to have our phones in school even in classes)....'Umm ms.Najeebah can i use your phone mine isn't here? I ask.
'Sure sayyidaty'.....she hand over a Golden cased Samsung s6.... 'Password is ......can I trust you sayyidaty?She asks.
'Sure....Ms.Najeebah.....my mouth is sealed'.....I immitate the sealing of a Ziploc....
'Umm sayyidaty pardon me but can you please stop calling me Miss. Najeebah will do....you can even give me a nickname if you want'she says.
'Oksy Najjies.....and stop calling me sayyidaty or don't put yaa before calling my name just Sultaanah will do'i say imitating her timid voice. She laughs one real cute way...I like her already.
'okay ya......Sultaanah'she corrects her self.'password is desserts when stressed' she says with a laugh at the look on my face....then she explains...
'You see.......desserts when spelled backwards is stressed.and when am stressed I just eat desserts. So I just made itmy password' she says with pride at her own little creation.
I text Bruce "Bruce it's Sultaanah, can you pls sir a favour" I wait for a reply....when I didn't get one....I call him.he pucks up the phone I tell him to go to my parking space...the ppl there need his help.he arrives with the dispensr and settle it within reach of my left hand so I could get water even when I'm alone. Am gonna stay in this fucked up place till 6:00 in the evening exactly 24 hrs from the incident that's when I remembered.......Ahmad...mariyam....Jeddah.....Rosellè....God how can i have forgotten. Holy mess...I check the clock it's 11:56 so in less than 5 mins its recess.....I am brought back to normal by Najjies giving me the water  I take a sip and lay back in bed. The nurse comes in to check on me and she says sumone dropped by to say to whilst I was sleeping and he left a note and a package...the boy that brought you here yesterday she says.....Ahmad so he came to check on me........Awww....how sweet. The note read
Hello her royal majesty
Hope you r feeling better now daman just wanted to apologise again and happy birthday in arrears.....gonna miss you in school today.
Most loyal
#squeals#Ahmad Akbar is missing me....as if we ever meet in school...the boy is sn abun dariyah.and he said xoxox which means 3 kisses and 2 hugs which means if he has met me he would have kissed and hugged me #princess/Queengoinghyper.
In the package was a box of diary milk chocolate......this guy can be romantic of he wanted.....which we shared with Najjies....she ate after so much persistence from me......she was doing pullaku*(shyness most common in fulani).
I check the clock again....12 :00. Any moment from now, my jama'ah will start coming. I smile to myself thinking of what Ahmad might do......
Booring chapter koh?........na Godwin......anyways thanks 4 reading aswr as am typing this my eyes are closing by themselves. It's currently 1:50am......
Good night and good morning.

#the dress Daada sketched (is designing) for Munaar to wear to the end if term Ball

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#the dress Daada sketched (is designing) for Munaar to wear to the end if term Ball.......cute bah?
Plus shoe and clutch.
Design by ☆MayFashion☆

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