To my Unbiological Sister

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You know so much about me,
And i know so much about you.
We have this connection called "friendship"
That we most dearly value.

We would share our secrets,
Talk about our non-sense jokes,
Or share our desires,
And our little dreams and goals.

When my days are gloomy,
And the sun doesn't shine,
You always find a way,
To make everything feel bright.

And when my heart feels heavy,
The sadness too much to bear,
You somehow find a way,
To always be right there.

But you're not just my bestfriend...
You are also my unbiological sister.
How my days for you were spent,
I will always keep these memories forever

It was my bestfriend's birthday a week ago and i wrote this for her. Im lucky to have her so much!

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