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"Nandini, come to the conference room immediately. Mr.Srivastava is waiting for you." Manik's deep voice rang through the speaker. I groaned putting my head back on the chair. It was nearly two and I was already feeling so tired.

And, who the hell is this Mr. Srivastava now?

Anyways, I stood up and made my way to the conference room which was on the second floor.

As soon as I reached outside the room, I was about to knock but the voice coming from inside forced me to stop.

"How are you, Diana?" It was Manik's voice.

"Manik, my Manik. After seeing you I am absolutely fine baby." Another voice spoke.

My Manik?


Who the fuck is she?

If I had thought that I would knock like a civilized person and then enter, then my thought suddenly changed because I bang opened the door and entered inside like a hungry lioness.

And what I saw inside was enough to burn my already burning insides.

Manik and that girl, who I prefer to call bitch, was standing too close, too close for my liking.

They both looked towards me and in the next second, Manik tried to come to me but to my horror, he was pushed back to that girl. As I looked closer, I saw her bracelet was tangled to the button of his shirt.

"Shit." He murmured and tried untangling it but all his efforts went in vain while that bitch was literally eye raping him.

This is it!

I felt anger rushing down my veins. I am sure smoke was coming from my ears. I felt so so much angry. I just wanted to snap her neck and then chop her into pieces and throw all the pieces in front of a lion. Or, better I should just hold Manik's hand and run away from here, locking her behind and then open the door after some fifty years just to look at her already ugly zombie face.

"Stop." I shouted. Manik was still struggling with that bloody damn bracelet. They both looked at me again, Manik with a confused face and that bitch with an irritated one. "Let me help you." I said looking at Manik and he nodded still slightly confused with my behaviour.

I walked to where they were standing and pushed that girl a little with my shoulder.

"What the.." She muttered. I turned towards her and put on my best fake smile. "Oops. Sorry." I said.

Then turning my attention back to the stuck bracelet, I tried removing it calmly trying my best not to break it but when even after two minutes it did not budge, I pulled it a little harshly and finally the bracelet was in my hands, half broken.

"Yay. I removed it. See." I smiled showing the half broken bracelet to Manik. Half of its beads were on the floor and half on my hand.

He gave me a look which clearly said 'Have you lost it?' and I replied him back with a look 'Yes, I have lost it and am soon gonna make you lose it too.' which was closely followed by a glare.
I turned my attention to that girl and placed her broken bracelet in her hand with an apologetic smile lingering on my face. Her jaw dropped looking at the condition of her beautiful bracelet. She looked horrified.

Good for you, bitch.

"How dare you? Are you mad woman?" She screamed, clutching her broken bracelet and I swear if she doesn't stop lingering around Manik, she will soon clutch the broken pieces of her heart in the same way.

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