Eyeless Jack x Reader x Puppeteer

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A/N This one-shot is a request from LoverCreepypasta  thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it!

You woke up. April second, today was it three years ago. The day you broke down. You get out of bed. ''Morning Y/N '' Jeff yell at you from the couch ''Hey, slept well?'' Puppeteer asked you ''No not really.'' ''Oh yeah it been three years today isn't it?'' EJ says ''Yup, I miss her sometimes tho'' ''No kidding I miss my bro too'' Jeff says. You hold back tears as you think about your sister. ''I-it was never going to happen if i wasn't alive'' You fall down on you knees and start crying. Jeff automatically walks out of the room. ''Y/N are you okay?'' ''EJ cant you see? she is crying!!!'' ''I-i'm s-sorry I-I-I ssss-should just g-go'' You mutter and you stand up and walk out of the house.

{Time-skip 10 minutes}

After a while running your far into the woods. Your at your favorite spot, A little pond in a clearing. Its is silent, The creek connected to the pond makes the only sound. You see you reflection in the water you sigh and talk to your own reflection ''I can't believe I cried in front of both of my crushes. Ugh I'm such a good for nothing person.'' You look in to the water ''Nobody likes me.'' You put your head under water, you ears are under water too so you can't hear the people sneaking up behind you. You breathe all the air in your lungs out and hope that you will soon suffocate when suddenly you get pulled out the pond. ''Ý/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! OMG ARE YOU OKAY!'' The puppeteer looks at you with panic in his eyes ''Y-Y/N w-whats wrong'' EJ asks you. ''i-'' You start but then you faint.

{Time-skip for an unknown time}

You where back at the pond and relive everything. Then a long arm pulls you back into the water and you wake up screaming and crying in bed ''She is awake!'' ''What did you do?'' ''I-I I am sorry,but I-'' You were cut off by a pair of lips on both the sides of your neck. You blush {Fun Fact I am writing this during school so yeah... kinda awkward. I'm as red as a tomato} ''W-what are you doing?'' You ask EJ and Puppeteer. ''We heard you talking to your reflection by the pond. We saw everything happening.'' Puppeteer says ''We both love you very much, do not leave us ever again please we were worried sick.'' EJ said. You blush and mutter ''I love both off you too'' They both chuckle ''You have now idea how cute that was.'' they say and then ask the unbelievable ''Do you want to be our girlfriend?'' ''Y-yes I-I'd love to'' You answer and they start to drown you in a ocean of kisses. Then Jeff walks in '' Hey Y/N how are you-'' He see you and the boys and turns in a tomato and he walks away with his hands in the air while repeating ''Fuck this I am outta here'' Puppeteer takes his soft lips from your cheek and says ''Well that sure surprised me'' EJ only chuckles. 

The same day you and the boyz tell the rest about your relationship. They didn't care but you knew they thought it was weird.

{Time-skip for a month}

You where watching a movie with Sally. Sally was the little sister you never had. It was a fun movie but your mind slowly drifted off. A month ago you where feeling like shit, but today you couldn't feel better. Always smiling and making fun. Its like there is a different Y/N. ''Hey Y/N dear, can you come to my room after you finished the movie?'' EJ asked and then asked Jonathan if he could go to his room now. At the end of the movie you brought Sally to bed because she was sleeping. As you enter her room she wakes up ''Y-Y/N what happend?'' ''You fell asleep so I am bringing you to bed.'' ''Ah but I wanted to sing along with Hanna Montana in the end.'' She pouts. ''Tomorrow  alright. I promise that I will sing to.'' You put her in her bed and give her a kiss on her forehead. ''Goodnight Sally'' ''Goodnight Y/N'' You close the door softly and walk towards EJ's room. Before you could knock you get pulled in the room and get pinned down on the bed.

{Okay before I start sorry if this isn't good. This will be my first threesome and I write stories by closing my eyes and seeing it like a movie. The problem is that I cannot get an image of it. Again sorry. And now. LEMON TIME!}.

They both hover above you. Kissing and cuddling you, but then your clothes are removed before you even had the chance to tell them to stop. A pair of hand grab your breasts and starts pulling on you nipples when you feel something wet stroke your 'area'. You blush and look down to see what the fuck was happening. {NOSEBLEED ALERT! SHITS 'BOUT TO GO DOWN!} Jonathan was licking it!!! EJ pushed you head down and started biting you neck. Soon you was a moaning mess and the both stripped down. They were both way to hot. You look away. EJ went first. God this was so awkward. You felt kind of sad for Jonathan tho so while Jack was fucking you, you started sucking on Jonathan's 'length' {hehe awkward.}  they both hit there climax and they switch places. this time you all hit you climax and they start hugging you again. Then EJ sucks the cum from your vagina. Your brain overreacted from all the things happening and you mumble ''You guy's should kiss'' they both chuckle ''Oh shit you heard that didn't you?'' ''Yes'' Jack says '' and if that is what you want.'' Jonathan responded. They both start kissing each other. They start giving the other a hand-job and you turn away. Too much, way to much. ''Jealous much?'' puppeteer says ''N-no, baka.'' Jack starts rubbing you clit and Jonathan sucks on your breast. Then he sticks his other fingers in Jonathan's ass. He butt fucks Jonathan and keeps rubbing you. The next morning Jonathan  couldn't walk just like you and EJ was your servant because you both were immobilized. 

''Y/N'' Jack says ''Will you be ours forever?'' Jonathan finishes. ''Forever and after death'' you said. ''I hope you will keep that promise'' EJ said. You hug and kiss them both. This is your new life and you will hold on to it as if it is you only way of living. 

I hope this is as you expected LoverCreepypasta. Bye my baka's. Until eternity and after that!

I love you all!!!

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