Bloody Painter 1.5.

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''Wh-what are you doing'' You ask as his face is buried in your neck. He is crying and it hurts you to see him like this. You pat his back '' Shhh everything is fine,  I am here''. The blood on his clothes tells enough but still, why come to your house? ''I-I k-killed a sleeping b-baby. I-i crushed his brain and painted the walls in a beautiful red, and still you hug me and tell me everything is fine!'' He stopped crying and he looked angry. He grabbed a knife out of freaking nowhere and tried to stab you. ''WHAT ARE YOU DOING H-HELEN. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. I LOVE YOU, DON'T KILL ME YOU ASSHOLE!'' He freezes and stares at you ''W-what?" "You love me? You are in love with a serial killer who paints with the blood of his victims .'' You nod ''Ever since the first day I saw you." He just stands there completely frozen. A minuet passes and you get mad at him ''Well?! Say something! Oh wait you hate me, stupid of me to not notice that!" You start crying. He drops his knife and walks towards you. He pulls you in a hug and then whispers in your ear ''Y/N do not cry please, I love you too" You look him in the eyes and kiss him he lifts you up bridal style and then realizes he doesn't know where your bedroom is so he walks to the couch instead. He is really careful when he put you down. He pins you down and tries to kiss you when you flip him over making you the one to pin him down. ''Tha Fuck?'' He whispers ''I will take the lead you idiot" "And why is that?" ''Because I... I don't know'' You kiss him and he pulls you closer. He licks your lips and you let him enter your mouth. After a short fight for dominance you lose. His arms around your waist loosen and his right hand went to your personal area.

He pulled down your pants and flipped you over so you were under him again. slowly he makes triangular movements with his hand, constantly stimulating your clit, and you moan turning red from embarrassment. You pull down his pants and underwear 'shit, no way he is gonna fit' You think and start Moving your hand up and down slow and teasingly. He moans at you sudden action and without a  second thought he slams two  of his fingers inside of you and starts moving around. You take this as a sign to go faster when he grabs you hips with both hands and pulls you down on him. Forcing him inside of your vagina you pull him in for another breath taking kiss. He is a amazing kisser but it hurts so much. He sees that you have tears in your eyes ''Just start moving when you are ready, believe me it will be okay soon.'' after a little while you start moving up and down. He moans ''F-faster'' You go faster and after a while he flips you over and takes the lead, slamming into you at an inhuman speed.  You moan louder and louder, so does he. Then you both cum, he falls down on you and kisses you again. ''Y/n I love you '' You both fall asleep after.

{Time skip}

It has been a year since. You had your ups and downs but trust each other blind. You can live with the fact that he kills and you have moved into a bigger house. You are planning on getting kids and are soon getting married. The whole mansion is invited and they are like your new family. You love him and he loves you. 

Together for eternity, right?

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