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Taekwoon's POV
"Forgive me." He, then moved closer to me and pressed his lips against my own.

What is he doing? Is he drunk or something?!

I widened my eyes and looked back at him. His lip... They're soft.

As much as I love Hakyeon, the way Wonshik is kissing me is so different. It's not a bad different, no...

He had moved away and looked in my eyes.

"Y-You didn't push me away." He said, sitting beside me now.

"I-" I started saying, but covered my mouth. I can't exactly tell him that I liked it! And I don't want to tell him that I disliked the kiss.

"It's okay Taekwoon.." He said, hopping off my bed. "You don't have to say anything. I'm sorry." He apologized, then jumped on his bunk.

Should I say something? I don't want to make things worse, but I know things aren't exactly in a good place right now. I have to fix things up with Wonshik, but I don't know what to say!!
Wonshik's POV
What did I just do? Why the hell did I kiss him? I know he's dating someone, I know he has no feelings towards me...

His lips were just so irresistible, so how could I not kiss him? I'm in trouble...

"W-Wonshik." He called me softly.

I didn't respond. I can't. What do I say? 'I like you Taekwoon, so why don't you just drop Hakyeon and date me?' No! Of course I'm not going to say that!!

"Y-Yeah?" I answered, fiddling with my fingers.

"D-Do you want to sleep t-together tonight...?" He asked, and yet my jaw dropped.

How could he, despite everything that just happened, ask me to sleep with him again tonight?

"Don't you--" I began asking, but got cut off by him.

"I-It doesn't matter Wonshik. I-I don't want things to be awkward between us." He said, letting out a shaky breath.

You've got to admit, that took guts to say. I understand how hard saying the truth is, and he just did it. Damn...

I smiled as I hopped off my bed, then went to sit beside him. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers, since well... This is what pretend-couples do, right?

I glanced over and chuckled when I saw his blushing face. "Let's just.. forget what happened. Forget what I did."

He shook his head and squeezed my hand, which surprised me. What did he mean?

"I-I'm not going to forget about it since...." He said, murmuring somethings after.

I couldn't quite get the last part of what he said, but perhaps I'm just not supposed to hear what he said.

"Alright, alright..." I told him, "Let's take a nap."

"Hmm?" He hummed, looking at me.

"Lie down with me." I said, moving around and laying on his bed. He was mumbling things to himself, and looked ever so cute in doing so. "Taekwoon-ah~"

"Yeah, yeah..." He said, lying down on my chest and holding my hand.

With all these actions and things we do together, is it really right? For me, I don't care and it doesn't bother me... Yet, I know he does. I know that this is on his mind, but he won't tell me. He has Hakyeon, but could it be possible that he likes me...? Who knows...


"Y-Yeah?" He responded, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Are you... Are you okay with doing this?" I asked him, somewhat afraid of his answer.

Taekwoon took a long pause before finally saying something. "W-What do you mean?"

"I mean... With us holding hands, hugging... even kissing..." I said softly, feeling embarrassed by the cheesy words escaping from my mouth.

His response was something that I wasn't exactly expecting. He burst out in laughter, trying to cover his mouth.

"What??" I asked him, laughing along.

"You're too cute Wonshik!!!" He continued laughing, trying to calm down. I kissed the top of his head and held his hand tightly.

"That doesn't answer my question Taekwoon.." I chuckled.

"I-" He said, taking in a deep breath. "I'm okay with it, but that's all I'm saying... Don't ask any further, please." He pleaded.

His voice sounded as if he wasn't fully telling the truth, yet I know I shouldn't ask anything else. At least not for now...

"Okay, okay... I won't Taekwoon.." I said softly. "But just tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything I do. I don't want to hurt you..." I said, murmuring that last part.

"I promise I'll tell you Wonshik. Sleep now... You said you were tired." He whispered, yawning in mid-sentence.

As I closed my eyes, I heard a faint whisper, although it wasn't Taekwoon's voice. He was already sleeping, I think...


"What?" I answered softly, trying not to wake up Taekwoon.

"He's really changed you." Jiseong chuckled, looking at the two of us.

"Just get out of here, won't you?!" I asked, feeling a bit annoyed.

"I can see that you like him." He told me, "And I do wonder if he notices... Oh well. Take care of him alright? He's a good kid."

"I-" I began saying, yet stopped after realizing what I nearly did. I almost actually told the guard that I did have some feelings for him, but thankfully I didn't. "Okay, I'll make sure to do that." I smiled, kissing his head again. "Now shoo! He's sleeping.."

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