Day 4, I'm (not) fine.

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"where are you going ami," Laf said walking into to Alex packing his things.

"I don't want to be in thid depressing room," Alex signed still puttinh his thing in his bag.

"well are you going to be in your old dorm?" Herc said walking in as well wrapping arm around Laf's wast.

"y....yeah," Alex said sliging his bag over his shoulder and walking out to see the tall asshole outside Alex's old dorm.

"so your moving back to my dorm," Thomas looking at the short cribbean boy.

"Just move asshole," Alex said not looking at Thomas and walked in the room.

Once Alex walked inthe room he was suprised to see that his bed was untouched.

"I thought you would have let Madison move in and take my place," Alex with a little somber chuckle. 

"I thought about it," Thomas said putting his hand on Alex's shoulder making Alex jump.

"Just becaues John..... d..." Alex felt his self starting to shake and he started to breath heavily.

"Alex it.... its ok.... breath I'm rigth here," Thomas said sitting Alex on his bed trying to get him to breath.

Alex breathing got woser as Alex began in cry in pain, he missed his best friend, and the woser feeling that Alex felt was that he couldn't save John, Alex had made his self past out, Thomas cradled Alex and walkeding over to Alex's bed and Thomas went to bed.

{next morning}

Alex had woken up in a jolt When Thomas walked in the room with his coffee and he got Alex a strawberrie tea,

"you ok," Thomas said sitting next to Alex handing him the tea.

"Y...yeah, thanks," Alex looking at the drink but not drinking it.

Alex got up and set the drink down and put on some clean clothing.

"want to go for a walk? get your mind off of all the shit thing that have happened," Thomas asked.

Alex didn't say anything he just nodded his head and the two left the dorms and walked a block to the park and they sat by each other, Thomas sat there contempliting on kissing Alex the boy he loved but acted like he hated, so he did, Thomas cupped Alex face with one hand making alex blush and they kissed,

Alex didn't stop Thomas he felt the miss pice was filled.

{to be continued}

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