chapter two

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I was walking to my locker when I see a skinny girl with glasses trying to open her locker and she couldn't get it open

Yn:excuse me do you need help opening your locker,btw I'm Yn.

???:Holà I'm Baylee and Sì I need help opening my locker.

Yn: what's your combination?


Yn: Alright(locker opens)Can you show me where the front office is?

Baylee: Sì(walking Yn to the office)

Yn: excuse me are you M...(gets cut off)

???- My name is Ms.Macy

Yn- oh hi Ms.Macy can you give my paper with my classes please?

Ms.Macy- yes here you go(hands her the paper)

Yn- ( sees this cute boy) Hi!

???-Hi (smiles)

Yn Thoughts- OMG He's so fuxkin fine and he has dimples,greenish eyes , and braces

Yn- Hi I'm Yn and you are?

???- I'm Javious

Yn- Hi Javious can i see your paper

Javious- ( hands her the paper)

Yn- we both have the same classes expect 8th hour you have Algebra 1 and I have Spanish class.

Javious- Oh Okay i'll talk to you later

Yn- Bye (smiles) He just made my day

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