chapter one

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Yn Mom:Wake up Yn time for school

Yn: 5 more minutes mom

Yn Mom: Yn get up now!!!

I got of bed and my hygienes and put on this(in media) went downstairs and said good morning to my parents.

Yn's Mom: Good Morning Yn

Yn: Good Morning and Good Morning Dad

Yn's Dad:Good Morning Yn

I grabbed me an apple and headed out the door to catch the bus.I sat by my best friend Serenity.

Serenity: Wassup bestie

Yn: Hey Bestie

When we got off the All Eyes Were On Me some people were saying

Random Dude: Damn ma bad

Random Girl:Eww she looks like a hoe.

Out of nowhere I got pushed into a locker I looked up a saw dark skin girl about my age

????:Hi my name Desiree by the way so I didn't see you there she said with a smirk

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