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Hey you reading this,
I love you.

Harry's POV

This blonde chick is starting to make me regret my decision of getting out tonight.

Who is she anyway?

"So like I said, i've heard so much about you" she says again, does she have a 'mute' button anywhere? "But i've never seen you around. How come? Don't you like parties?" Apparently not...

"I'm sorry, who are you again?" I harshly say and the blonde girl's eyes widen slightly.  All I want is to watch Eva dance and let my mind travel to happier times. Not spend my evening being bombarded with questions by that clingy b-

"I'm Kaylee. I'm a friend of Eva's" The blond speaks again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Why would Eva befriend a girl like this? She looks so... not like Eva. I mean, she seems to be the kind of girl whose makeup is more important than health and who would take fifty four selfies a day before posting ten online and wait for other people's validation.

"Where is she anyway?" She says again after I don't answer. I look behind her and Eva and Luke are nowhere in sight. What the hell?

"I hope nothing happened to her!" Kaylee says in an obvious fake voice. "Hopefully nobody teased her with those rumors..."  rumors?

"What rumors?" I ask still searching the area for a familiar brown head.

"You know those slut shaming stuffs. And the rumors about how-" Kaylee is cut off by a red haired girl, wearing even fewer clothing than her blond friend. 

"Kaylee Luke just left!" She says "he left with the-" she hesitates, looking at me before continuing "the new girl"

"What? Why? Where are they?" Kaylee looks more than pissed right now. Good.

What are those rumors anyways? Slut shaming? Who would do that to Eva? She's so innocent and pure. I need to talk to her about those said rumors.

"They left towards the parking lot" i hear her say before I leave for the parking lot. Why the hell are they even there? And alone?

I walk closer to where I remember Luke's car to be parked and that's when I notice two silhouettes next to the green truck.
I walk slightly closer so I can hear their conversation.

"I don't know Luke... I think bringing him here wasn't the best idea..." Are they talking about me?

"Do you want me to drive him back? Just tell him his mom called or something?" Luke's words make me want to hit something. Who does he think he is? I'm not a kid. I can take care of myself. And If I want to be here then i'll be at this damn party.

I hate how they both act like i'm a helpless child. Fuck that.

Luke's hand raises and touches Eva's cheek slowly, caressing her skin like I'm wishing I would.

"I don't know, maybe I should. He can't know Luke! He'll feel so left out..." Eva's words are enough to get me out of the parking and straight to the bar.

The bartender looks like he doesn't mind selling alcohol to underage people, he looks too high to care anyways.

"Make that a double" I state as I hand him a bill and take my seat on the bar.

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