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"c'mon, cas, let's go to bed."

dean picks up the basket, but cas grabbed him before he could walk off.

"dean, i'm sorry." he repeated, gripping his arm. "i shouldn't have pushed you away like that."

"why did you?"

the question surprised cas, and he shrugged at first. "i guess i... didn't think you really cared, honestly."

"seriously?" dean scoffed, and looked at the arm gripping his sleeve. "cas, nothing is more important to me than you and your well being. i can't even go through the day without worrying about you, even if you're right there beside me the whole time. of course i care, cas." dean smiled softly, and cas cursed himself for blushing. "see, look at you," dean cooed, sliding his free hand over his warm cheek. "whether you admit it or not, you knew all along that i care, right?"

cas nodded bashfully.

"let's go to bed, babe."

cas nodded again.

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