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La's POV

So we arrived yesterday evening and unpacked everything, chose our rooms and then we all just went to sleep. We were exhausted.

Today we are having a picnic on the beach.

"Wakey wakey people!" I say waking everyone up, but nobody moved so I decided to go ahead and cook breakfast for everyone, maybe the smell when it's done will wake everyone up.

I get the biscuits in the oven then I make bacon, sausage patties and grits.

"Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart. Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart ."I sing to myself.

"Smells good." I hear and almost jump out of my skin.

"Holy crap Liza!! You scared the piss outta me." I hold my hand over my heart.

"Haha sorry. I heard you singing, it sounded really good you need to sing in front of people more."

"Oh no, no thank you but you know how shy I am in front of people." I flip the bacon and stir the grits.

"Yeah I know but your voice sounds so good." She compliments as she sits in a bar stool.

"Thank you but right now I'll just stick to my cooking." I smile and finish up the cooking.

"Yes you are very good at this cooking thing too." We both laugh. I see another head poke around the corner.

"Nova I see you, so get yo booty over here." I laugh and she comes out and sits by Liza.

"Okay lovely people, since you two are the first awake you get the first plates." I smile and make them each a sausage biscuit with bacon and grits.

"Yay!" They say in unison.

"Here you are. Now I'll go wake up everyone else." I say and leave the kitchen.


"Wake up Gabby!" I say shaking her for the 10th time.

Grace hears me trying to wake Gabby, so she rolls out of her bed and helps me.

"Gabby!! Wake up!" She yells and we both shake her.

"Uuggghhh whyyy?" She says.

"Because I made food." I say, and her eyebrows raise slightly.

"That's a good reason." She opens her eyes.

"Meet us in the kitchen." I say as Grace and me leave.

"I'll go wake up Ana. You can join Liza and Nova, they've already started eating." I say to Grace and she says okay then heads to the kitchen.

"Ana Ana banana!! Wake up." I walk in her room and she's already up.

"Good morning." She says still stretching.

"Good morning, breakfast is ready." I tell her and she nods. I turn and head back to the kitchen.

"Okay everyone eat!" I say walking in as Ana walks in behind me.

This taste so good!" Nova says.

"Yes it's delicious." Liza agrees.

"So we are having a picnic today?" Gabby and asks.

"Yeah, my mom went out to get some things for it." I tell her.

"When are we going?" Asked Grace.

"Uh around 2." I answer.

"Okay great." She says.

"I'm still tired." Gabby comments.

"Then you can take a nap before we go." I say and she nods her head and puts her plate in the sink.

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