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Nash's POV

It's been a week, no calls, no text, to or from her. I'm just going to have to speak to her when she gets back from vacation with the girls. I'm going to have to tell her I'm sorry and hope she forgives me.

She is my best friend and I really hope I didn't fuck that up by kissing her. I'll have to explain to her that she's my best friend and I don't want to lose that and hope she feels the same still.

I hear a car door out side so I look through my window and see her and the girls getting out of Ms.Kays SUV . "She's home." I say aloud to myself. I'll wait till the girls go back to their own houses before I go over and talk to her.

A little while later I hear another car and see that it's David picking up Liza and the other girls, it's now or never.

La's POV

David comes and picks the girls up and takes them home. I have to go talk to Nash now and explain why I acted the way I did and hope he understands why I acted the way that I did.

I go up stairs and put on some shoes and begin to walk back down. I get to the front door and take a deep breath. My heart is racing because I don't know if he's going to want to talk to me yet or if he will understand what was going through my head.

I open the door and my heart skips a beat when I'm met with those blue eyes I was just headed to see. His fist was raised like he was about to knock when I opened it.

"Hi?" I sort of asked liked a question, I was definitely not expecting him to be there.

"Hi." I puts his arm back by his side.

"Can we talk?" We both say at the same time.

"Let's go for a walk too." I suggest. I step out and and close the door behind me.

We start walking down the driveway, not going anywhere specific.

"I'm sorry, J," He turns to look at me then continues "I'm sorry that Jack is an asshole that never deserved you, I'm sorry I kissed you"


I'm sorry if I thought you liked me like that"


"I'm sorry If I've ruined our friendship, and I'm sor-"

"Nash!" He finally stops. We stop walking.

"Stop just don't apologize anymore. Yes Jack is an asshat but that's not your fault. And don't say sorry for kissing me or liking me and you definitely did not ruin our friendship. I am the one that should apologize to you, for not kissing you back or saying anything when you left. It took me completely off guard, and I froze. I'm so sorry that I made you feel bad about it and I'm sorry that you think it's your fault." I say my apologies in one breath.

He looks at me for a second and then smiles.

"So if I'm not sorry for kissing you or liking you then what am I supposed to be?" He smirks

"You are supposed to wait for me to say that I like you, and that I have for a long time." I say and he smiles like he knew what i was going to say already.

"So I'm not crazy? You do like me?" He asks getting closer.

"No you are still crazy but yes I do like you." I laugh a little and so does he. He hugs me tight.

"Oh so I'm still crazy? If I'm crazy then what are you?" He chuckles looking down at me, I laugh a little too.

"Insane." I say as I let out a little laugh. He smiles, that smile that reaches his vibrant blue eyes and I love it.

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