Chapter 12|My New Beta

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As I lay on my bed, I think about all of the events of the day before, from Jake beating the shit out of that guy, to me realizing I like Jake, like REALLY  like Jake. 

I can't tell him yet, I want to make sure the feelings are mutual between the two of us..

I heard my phone ding telling me I had a message, I got off my bed and walked to my nightstand, when I turned on my phone I saw I had a message from Tanya. I hadn't seen her since Friday, when Jake told me I was his mate. 

I thought about it for a second, is Tanya a werewolf too? They did say they grew up together. 

I opened her message:

Tanya: Hey girly, I heard about what happened at the party, are you okay? Sorry I wasn't there, I had things to handle with my parents out of town. 

Me: No worries, and yeah I'm fine, Jake was there and he took care of things.

Tanya: I know, I heard... 😉

I rolled my eyes,

Me: Shut up, nothing happened. 🙄 

Tanya: Yet. 😉

Me: You and my sister would get along perfectly. 😅 How'd you hear about it anyways?

Tanya: Jake told me, he said that he went and beat the shit out of some guy who was trying to hurt you and that you didn't want your mom to see you so he took you to his house😛, where you slept in his bed🙃, in his arms😉.

Me: He didn't tell you all that. 😶

Tanya: No he didn't, he only told me he took you to his house, but from the "😶" I'm assuming you did sleep in his bed wrapped up in his arms. 😜

Me: You're so childish Tanya. 😂

Tanya: Thanks I try, but seriously, he also told me that you know about how you're his mate, about us werewolves, and about how the Martinez family wants to kill our pack off. 

Well I guess that answers my previous question.

Me: Yeah, he did.

Tanya: Well there's more that I'm pretty sure he didn't tell you, if you meet me at that little Coffee shop, I'll tell you the rest.

Me: Okay, I'll be there in a few minuets. 

Tanya: Alright see you then.

And with that I turned off my phone, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs and out the door. 

I started walking to the town, but as I was a black Camaro pulled besides me and rolled down the window, and who you might ask was in the car, Devin Martinez himself. 

"Hey, you need a ride?" He asked. 

Anger was beginning to rise in me, "No, not from you." I said with a sarcastic smile and kept walking.

He just followed me, "Come on don't be like that, where are you going? I'll take you."

I stopped and turned to him and he stopped driving, "I told you, I don't want a ride from you, so go fuck yourself Devin." 

He laughed, "Damn, what's with the hostility?" 

I stared back at him with anger written all over my face, "Don't act like you don't know Devin Martinez." I said exaggerating his last name as a way to let him know I knew who he and his family is.  

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