Chapter 20

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Brian’s POV

I couldn’t believe that Katie had made me go to this interview with Matt. There had been no way in hell I was able to focus on anything the journalist was asking us. My girl had been sick for days and it broke my heart not knowing what was going on. She was growing weaker by the day. I barely remembered going to the clinic with Michelle to give them a sample of my blood. I barely remembered anything that happened around me besides Katie being sick.

I was looking out of the window of Larry’s black SUV with my heart and head at home as we drove back to Huntington Beach. I didn’t hear anything what the guys were saying but trying to come up with a reasonable explanation of why Katie was so sick.

“Dude! Seriously, what’s going on?” Matt pinched my arm harshly but it snapped me out of my trance. Rubbing the sore spot I looked at him.

“Sorry guys. I have a lot of things on my mind.” I mumbled.

“That is plainly obvious.” Larry said as he looked in the rearview mirror with a frown on his face. I sighed heavily.

“It’s Katie. She has been sick for days now and I’m really worried.”

“What do you mean sick?” Matt asked confused.

“Is there another understanding of ‘being sick’?” I asked a tad too harshly. “She is throwing up for days, not eating a thing. God, it was a horrible idea to take her to Colorado.” I groaned wiping my hand down my face. Matt nodded sympathetically but after a while he seemed to guess what could be wrong.

“You said it started after you returned from your long weekend?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “First I thought she got a cold or something but her temperature is normal. She just throws up all the time, starting at 3 in the morning.” I sighed.

“Haven’t you guys been to the doctor?” He kept on asking.

“No. You know how she is.” That’s when my phone vibrated. “Why are you asking me that stuff anyways?” I pulled out my phone and saw that it was Michelle.

“Oh just guessing something. Why don’t you answer that?” Matt nodded towards the phone, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His look spoke volumes. All my friends didn’t approve of how I handled the whole Michelle-being-pregnant-with-my-child-situation. Of course they didn’t. I myself felt quite shabby about it. But I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to lose Katie; I loved her too much. At the same time I wanted to be there for my son. Katie would most definitely break up with me if she knew of my ex-wife being back in my life, pregnant, with my child. I couldn’t risk that. I wanted everything. I wanted them both.

“I’m scared. The test results should be in any day now.” I mumbled and heard my best friend snort. “What?” I glared at him.

“Be a fucking man and call her back. At least stand up to your promise to be there for Michelle, if you can’t keep the one you made Katie.”

“Dude, what is your fucking problem?!”

“Your fucking attitude!” He was getting into my face but Larry interfered.

“Guys! Chill out, ok? Everyone is dealing with this situation here, so don’t make it worse.” He said calmly but firmly as he took the exit towards surf city.

“I’m not the one to blame here!” Matt defended himself.

“Oh gimme some slack, will ya? I didn’t choose this to happen either!” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Matt always acted like he was the perfect guy, who never did anything to offend or hurt someone.

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