☆Aso Rito☆ X Reader

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(Please note that as there is not a swimming pool in the game currently, I am going to be making some parts up.)

Requested by HelloKwitty001

Artwork by Koumi-Senpai


You walked into the pool room shyly. You felt a bit self conscious about how you looked in your swimsuit and were beginning to regret your decision to join the Swim Club. But before you were able to retreat back to the locker rooms a familiar blond boy appeared, blocking your way. 

"Ah (Y/N)! It's great to see you!" Aso said with a large smile on his face.

"Y-yes! It's n-nice to see you too, A-Aso-Senpai!" you stuttered, your face red from seeing the attractive male.

He chuckled, "There's no reason to be so formal! You can just call me Aso if you'd like!"

"Uh-huh... sure..." you muttered, looking at the ground.

"Well I'm glad you're here early. Since you're new we really need to crack down on your training if you're going to help us win any competitions!" The blond grinned and put his hands on his sides, "You look great by the way!"

You blushed bright red and fidgeted, attempting to cover yourself. "A-about that..." Aso's head tilted, his smile fading. "I don't think I should be in the club..."

"What would make you say that?" He asked quietly.

"I can't um... I can't swim..." you mumbled looking down. Aso remained silent for what seemed like forever and then started laughing. "H-hey! What's so funny!?"

The club leader scratched his head and sighed. "You had me worried there (Y/N)... if it's just that you don't know how to swim, then I'd be happy to give you swimming lessons!"


Before you could protest, the blond was already stretching. "I'll have you swimming like a pro in no time!" He shouted, pulling his goggles on. "We'll start right now!"

Aso paused suddenly then put his goggles back on top of his head. He reached into the pocket of his sweatshirt and pulled out his buzzing phone. "Oh um... actually I need to take this. I'll be right back!" he called running out.

You let out a sigh. "This completely backfired...." you mumbled walking along the edge of the pool. You stopped at the deep end, looking at your reflection in the clear water. "What am I--AH!!" You screamed as a force knocked you into the pool.

You landed a few feet from the edge of the pool and struggled desperately to get to it. Through the water you could see the image of another student. You couldn't tell who it was; they were wearing a mask. Once you got closer you grabbed the ledge, but you only managed to take a small breath before the student grabbed your head and forced you back under. You struggled, water filling your lungs. Eventually you gave in to the fact that you were going to drown in a school swimming pool. Not the worst way to go you decided as you sank to the bottom.


You woke up on your back, coughing and gasping for air. You looked around frantically to find that you were still in the pool room. Beside you was Aso, his light blue eyes wide with worry and his clothes and hair dripping wet.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" he shouted hugging you tightly. You coughed up some water and shivered.

"wh..." you tried to talk but only ended up coughing some more.

"Don't worry about it... you're safe. That's all that matters," he muttered, still holding you close. You blushed a bit suddenly realizing the position you were in. 

"I-I thought I... how..." you finally choked out. Aso released you from the hug and looked into your (E/C) eyes.

"What? How did I-- oh! It was easy! I'll show you!" Aso placed a hand on your cheek and tilted your head up a bit, then pressed his lips against yours softly. You blushed brightly and started wishing you were still in the bottom of the pool. The blond pulled away and smiled sweetly. With that, he stood up. "I'm going to go change, you can skip the club activity today if you want. But I'm not going to let you leave!"

Several seconds after he left you finally managed to talk. 

"Uh-huh... sure..."


Oh my god that suuuuucked.... so yeah. I'm going to be doing one shots for a few of the male rivals (*cough cough* Osoro, Oko, Mujo, Osano *cough*) and also some of the new club leaders. Thanks for reading!

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