Werewolves VS Hunters

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The bright yellow full moon shined down on the misty forest, a pure black wolf with bright green eyes tinted with streaks off yellow, stood gard on a pile of moss infected rocks the forest around her lifeless, Her ears perking at the slightest noise. Russling was hurd from the bushes oppostit from her, with her ears pointing forward she lay down close to were the rock met her. Her eyes swooped the entire aira, until she stopped , looking at a moving shadow, the figure itself was a human shape carrying many bags, out of one sticked out a cross bow, seeing this she turned, jumping off the tall rocks and into a very fast sprint through the forest and towards a small opening between two trees which were twisted together, leaping through there she came to a den with four other wolves scatted around the permiters, two were in the corner of the den, both where a brown colour and where male, one lighter than the other, both had hazelnut brown eyes with a tint of yellow which reflected off the moon light as they fought over a bone. Next to them were multiple trees entangled in with eachother like a wall, this was repetated all around in a big circle. Turning her head the black wolf look towards the other two members of the pack both where a grey colour, the younger one had dark navy blue eyes with a hint of yellow mixed in she was more bouncy running around and jumping. The older one lay next to a large tree which was in the middle of the den, it was hollow and a great place to sleep, her muzzle was whiter than all the other wolves, her eyes where dark brown and also had a titnt of yellow within them. All the wolves stopped what they where doing and gathered around the tree they layed low, all through the night screams off other animals echoed across the forest, along with footsteps off their killers.......(t.b.c)

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