First year at Hogwarts

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When  I  received  my  Hogwarts letter, I was very excited and  thrilled!! I was  happy  that  I'd  be away  from  my so called  'home'.. When  my father  saw  the letter, he grabbed  it  from me  and  tore it into two  pieces... According  to him, only pure bloods  deserved to go to Hogwarts  and  not  half bloods...

But  the  next  day, more  and  more letters  came.. I picked  one  and before  anyone  could  snatch  it  from me, I ran... I  had  already  packed  the bags... I  just  took  some  money  that i found  in  the  house... I found the leaky  cauldron and  stayed  there for a little bit.. The bartender  let me stay there  because  I  helped  and worked around... Here  I  was  getting a good room, nice food  and  some money and  so I was glad... When  it  was  the time  to  go to  Hogwarts, a kind lady and her daughter  Alice offered to take  me  to  platform 9 3/4, as  they were  also  going there... I  accepted and went  there  quickly ..On  the train, I  made  great friends  with Alice! She  was super nice,  kind and thoughtful.. She said she  wanted to  be in  Gryffindor, i shyly  asked  her what  the  houses were... She  warned me  about  the  Slytherin  house saying  that  only  horrid  people  went there!! I  wondered  that  my  father should  have  been in  that  house... Then  another  girl  walked in ,pulling her  things  along with  her... She had beautiful dark skin and long and straight hair!! 'Hell-oh'  she  said sitting  beside me..

'Who are you?' Alice  questioned.. The girl  smirked  slightly... 'Juliet Zabini. ' 'Alice Spinnet. ' Juliet  looked  at  me.. I answered  'Daisy Daniels. '  'Cool' she said  and  turned  towards  Alice.. "You are worried about me? Aren't you??Because I'm a Zabini??" Alice shrugged.. "Well, you are from a famous pure blood family -".. "It does not matter! " she  replied.. I asked her which  house  she  wanted  to  be  in... 'Slytherin'  she  replied... She  stood  up " I'm  gonna  go meet  people.. See you later.." I thought  she'd seemed  very  cocky!! "Is that  how  all  the Slytherin's  are??" I asked Alice.. "Unfortunately, no.. She's a very nice one.. "We talked  for a  while  as  we rode  to  Hogwarts..

A  girl  named  Angelina Johnson joined  us.. She  and  Alice  seemed to know each other.. They  were obviously  good friends.. They  tried  to  include  me, but  I  decided  to  let them  talk... "I'm gonna go explore!!" I said  softly  and  quickly  ran out.. I tried  to  find  an  empty compartment, but  all  were  full... But then  I saw  Juliet  in  a  smaller compartment  with  only  two  other people ... "Can I come in?? " Juliet  saw me  and  grinned  at  me.. 'Sure' she said  as  i  sat  beside  her.. The two others  were  twins.. Hii i said nervously, they  wished  me  at  the same  time.. The  twins  were  fooling around  me.. Juliet  screwed  them  up for  confusing  me  with  their  names... Finally  I  realised  who  Fred was  and  who  George was!! I introduced  myself... They  said Daniels  belong  to a  pure blood family  who  is  along  with  the  death eaters... But  they  were  shocked when  I  said  them  that  I  was  a half blood... I eventually  told them  about my  father's  remarriage... I  asked them  who  death eaters  were.. Juliet said  that, "They were the people who were associated with the Dark Lord.." Fred  curiously  asked,  if i  didn't know  anything  about  the  Dark lord ...'No' I said softly... Then  Juliet explained  to  me  about  Lord Voldemort  and  the  Death eaters, and how  a  baby  named Harry Potter  had  defeated  him  and  how  he  had survived  the  death  curse... I  talked with  them  for  some  more  time  on interesting  topics...

We  soon  reached  Hogwarts... I  was very  excited!! I  was  sorted  into Ravenclaw!! Alice  and  the twins were  sorted  into  Gryffindor  and Juliet into Slytherin... It  was  a  short year  for  me... I  made a  couple  of Ravenclaw  friends  and  we all  did the  school  together... I  did  talk  to Juliet  a  lot  and  we  soon  became super good friends!! She  helped  me open up  a  bit  more  and  i was thankful  to  her... The Gryffindor's i met  didn't  pay  me  much  attention.. At  the  end of  the  year, i  was  not excited  to go  back  to  my  father's place... But  I  just  hoped  it  wouldn't be  bad!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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