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What's Wrong With The Principal?

Keith was blind sided once he entered the building by the way too enthusiastic principal. A sigh emitted from between his lips, the scare making him nearly fall back bypassing students.

Glancing at the principal, he lets out a slight snort when he realizes what the orange haired man reminded him of. The principal seemed to notice this action fairly quickly, yet he didn't take it the way Keith had thought. He brings his right hand to his moustache, twirling it between his thumb and forefinger. "Is something wrong with my Moustache?"

Keith stops snickering and straightens up before replying with a subtle, 'no'.

"Great! Well, I am Principal Coran. I'll be assigning you an student aid to help you with your choosing of classes and getting settled in your new room." He clears his throat before shouting, "NAYLEEN! FRONT AND CENTER!"

A young long blackhaired female walks out of the room behind him, rolling her eyes in the process while holding a book with the words "Writing Prompts" written across the middle portion of the cover and a journal. "I'm here, Sir. What do you need? And your moustache is crooked." The Principal rushes his hands to fix it. Keith ignores the conversation and look at his surroundings, taking in vibe of the new school he'll be attending tomorrow morning.

Turning back to face his fellow peer and principal, he comes face to face with the female. "If you didn't already know. I'm Nayleen McClain. I'll be assisting you." She takes a quick look inside her journal before smiling. Her glum attitude gone within seconds.

"Thanks Nayleen. Um, do you by any chance know where the dance studio is? I really want to sign up." Nayleen smiles before digging into her purse for a pen. When she finds one, she opens her journal to an empty page, writing down a few classes Keith needed to take in order to pass the current year he was in before putting down dance.

"I'll have your schedule printed tonight. I'll just give you a map of the classes you'll have to attend. Plus, you have two more spots for electives to fill. What else would you like to take? P.E doesnt seem like an option since you took it last year. Weirded out that I know? I looked at your profile." Keith listens on, then he tells her to put down P.E and drama. She quickly writes it out before closing her journal.

Wrapping her hand around his wrist, she leads him to a class room down the hall. On the way there, she let's go of his wrist and tells him there's someone she wants him to meet. He nods, not really wanting to meet this person, but goes along because he doesn't want to be rude to her since she's been so polite. Knocking on the door, she says a familiar name Keith has heard before. The door opens to reveal a face Keith has seen in his younger years. It's been awhile.

"Shiro?" The man looks down slightly to see mullet haired boy and smiles widely before going to hug him.

"Keith!? Its been quite a time since I seen you. How's it been?"

Keith gives him a smile and tell him all about how he's moving into the dorms here at Altean Academy, finally happy he can enjoy his academic studies plus the extracurriculars he's now taking without having to hear constant shouts from the next door classrooms or fire alarms everyday interrupting his studies.

Having been glad to hear this news, Shiro tells the two he has to go and help the teacher set up for the next class.

Saying their goodbyes, Nayleen and Keith walk away and make their way towards the dance studio.

"So, how do you know Shiro?" The black haired female asks, curious.

"He's a close friend of mine. We used to be bestfriends in school back at home until he graduated. I mean, we are still best friends. I'm surprised to see him here." Keith explained with a smile. The two had a close bond when they were younger, only a few years apart. They'd talk about the stars and many other subjects. The one thing they liked to talk about, was music. At least that's was Keith liked to talk about. Shiro loved to hear the young boy talk about the different types of genres, from hiphop to classical. It kept him calm and his mind distracted from the drama at school and the troubles at home. Only Shiro knew this and promised to keep it a secret, not to tell anyone. Shaking his head from the past, he focuses his attention back to Nayleen.

"He's studying astrophysics here. As well as astrology. Ms.Allura teaches a lot of astronomy stuff. We actually met in college. He asked me what star sign I was and pointed it out to me, as well as asking me on a date. Isn't that cute?!" The boy just smiled, knowing how cheesy Shiro was with asking girls out. He usually was so kept, adult like. The only person that knew about his fun side was Keith. Well, now Nayleen knows it. He's glad his friend had moved on in his life.

As for him, its just getting started.

Out of nowhere, Nayleen shoots her arm out in front of Keith, stopping him from walking any further. "We are here! Mr. Writhes Dance Class! Ill be sure to let him know you'll be attending his class tomorrow afternoon. You'll have it after lunch. That's his only class, which is two hours. BTW! School starts at 7:30 and ends at 4:30. I know, it sucks. But, its a private school and the higher the academic scores....."

"The more funding he school will get. Do you have to say it all the time hermana? It gets annoying." A tall lanky boy with brown hair interrups her and finishes her speech. He leans against the door frame, a huge grin on his face. Nayleen glares at the boy, rolling her eyes before pressing the books to her chest.

"He's a new student. Yes I have to say it. Why are you like this Lance?" Lance shrugs, bringing the opening of the bottle to his lips, taking a large drink. He turns his attention to the slightly shorter male, smirking. "Well, hello here. I'm Lance McClain. And who are you cutie?" Keith blushes before clearing his throat to hide the reddness on his pale face.

He responds bluntly, "I'm Keith Kogane, hotshot." Lance snickers, taking another swig of his water before throwing a blue towel over his shoulder.

"You called me hot." He points to his sister, "And you owe me lunch today. Meet me at Subway across the street in thirty. I'm going to shower and change." The older sibling rolls her eyes, before flipping her brother off and turning back to Keith.

"Ignore him. He's a flirt. Its annoying. Anyways, I'll show you to your dorms. I think you'll be able to find your room. A student already placed you personal items in there. Anything else?" The boy thinks for a minute before asking a couple questions.

"I do actually. Where are the baseball sign ups? I want to try out a sport." Nayleen pulls out a map from her purse and shows him where the coach's office is at.

"And another one. Its kind of a weird question."


He looks around awkwardly before asking, "What's wrong with the principal?" The girl let's out a hearty laugh before replying, "Nobody knows."

First chapter is done. And the second is get started. Enjoy my loves.

Klance Is Life.

Published April 3rd 2017

Moving To The Rhythm - Klance (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now