~ For A Keeper, You're Pretty Clueless ~

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There was a black, circular scorch mark on the floor, and laid in the middle was a fully human, fully naked, Archie. Maeve rushed forward with a spare robe and draped it over him, everyone else seemed too shocked to move.

The now human Archie sat up and it was clearly him, his lizard eyes and facial structure were still the same. There were no scales, no tail and he had a head full of black and grey hair, it was short and wavy, and made him look like a college professor. He lost a little of his height but that was nothing to complain about which he didn't, he was too shocked by the transformation. 

He ran his new hands over his face and hair, turning to L after a moment and his smile was infectious.

"L, it worked! You did it, I'm human, but I don't feel any different... this is wonderful. Oh my, I can't even express my gratitude."

"You don't need to thank me, you've done so much already and it was your ability in the first place, I just gave it back to you." L couldn't help but smile at the look of wonder on his face.

The rest of the Council were crowding around Archie, asking him questions as though they didn't believe it was really him. Rashka was awestruck, she couldn't take her eyes off of his face.

"And he can change back if and when he chooses?" Mallim asked as he flitted around the other Council members. 

"Not straight away because it's his first time but he does have the knowledge to do it, and after some practice he'll be able to change back and forth whenever." L explained but she was getting bored with the doubts they kept throwing her way. "Can we talk about my training now or do you need more proof?"

Bryce arched a brow at her attitude and L could see a partial smirk pulling at his mouth, he publicly disapproved but privately he enjoyed the way she spoke to them. 

Vadim gestured for the Council to be quiet. "We do not need more proof, I have never seen such a feat performed so easily. You have come a long way, L, your parents would be extremely proud of you."

L smiled despite the lump in her throat and he continued before she could say anything in response.

"As for your training, that should be very easy to accomplish now, however we will be changing your instructors for that very reason. You need more experienced teachers, as well as those you will not clash with, so the training runs more swiftly."

He didn't have to say it, L knew he was talking about Katherine, who was still watching Archie with a doubting expression.

"Alright, well I wanna start today so who are they going to be?"

Vadim inclined his head, "I will remain as your instructor but you will also learn from Edra. We discussed it and she has agreed you will need her skills, in addition to my own. Walter will be taking the Vampiric lessons, as he was always meant to."

L didn't feel worried when she heard this, Walter on the other hand looked unusually on edge.

"Solan will be taking over your Dwarf lessons," though he didn't explain why. "Nyla, who you will meet later, will be taking your Were-Creature lessons. Garyk will be giving you lessons from the Nature Species'. The Ogre brothers will resume teaching you their ways. And finally, Bryce will continue your Elf training."

Both L and Bryce's faces went blank at this announcement, they stared at each other and then back at Vadim.

"You didn't discuss this with me, Vadim. I'd be no good at teaching, I barely follow things myself." Bryce insisted and he was shaking his head.

L had more issues with it than him being a bad teacher, "We're friends, wouldn't that be a bit difficult?"

Bryce glanced at her with an oddly passive expression but L couldn't understand why.

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