Part 2

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Hey guys, as promised lets see how Ivar's rage was born. I hope you guys like this chapter thanks!!! for those who are reading don't forget to vote or comment. Enjoy :)

Humid air draped over the settlement no clouds for the eye to see and the people were as lively as after. Time seemed to move rather quickly for Tyra was close to be the same age as Ivar now. Her dark brown hair had fallen upon her shoulder but in the sunlight seemed to change into auburn gold. The vibrant shade in her sapphire eyes soften as she played with Ivar. Clashing their small sticks, together they both imagined that they were swords "You can't defeat me Ivar" Tyra said playfully "Yes I can" he yelled then laughed as they continue to fight. Tyra had managed to block his attack but Ivar soon found a opening and knocked her stick out of her hand. Ivar held his stick out towards her throat "I win! I win!" he shout trimphantly which made Tyra a little annoyed "No fair!" she said which made Floki giggle "Ha Ha you both fought well, your be warriors in no time" he said ruffling with Ivar and Tyra. Laughter filled the air as the other children were playing in front of the house. Eira was sitting outside the throne room on the steps talking to Helga and watching her daughter play with Ivar. Floki sat beside them in one of chairs, staring at them both in fascination "they've grow rather close" he said looking over at Eira "Yes, I can't seem to keep her to myself anymore. She spends so much time with him, make me a little jealous" Eira laughed. Aslaug sat further away from Helga and Eira to give them both their space. Aslaug was happy to see that her son had someone to play with who wasn't bother by his legs.

Tyra soon became distract with what the other children, as did Ivar who was admiring the stone rune Floki was showing him. Ivar and Tyra both watched them all play with a small bag, tossing it back and forth to each other. "Ivar do you want to play?" Aslaug asked and he looked over at Floki, smiling softly at him. Floki quickly picked Ivar up and walked to where the children were playing. "I am coming too" Tyra said following closely behind them, Floki grabbed a small wagon that the children had left and pulled with him. Placing Ivar in the wagon, now in the center of the crowd they circled around the wagon.  Floki soon stepped out of the way, and Tyra quickly beside Ivar and they both held their hands out for the bag. "Here" they both called out to them but the children ignored them tossing the bag over their heads. Eira, Helga, and Aslaug smiled as they watched as them tried to join in the fun but soon faded when no one would hand the bag to Ivar. Tyra and Ivar continue to call out to the children until finally one girl tossed it to Ivar. His happiness was short leaved for a larger boy walked over to Ivar and took it from him.

"Hey! give that back! let him play!" Tyra shout as she tried to steal the bag back. Floki stepped in and managed to take the bag from one of the children then toss it over to Ivar.  Ivar smile happily as did Tyra but other boy came up to Ivar and tired to take it. Tyra took attack and shoved the boy out of the way 'Stop it!" she shouted but he pushed her back fall hard on the ground. When she got up, to help Ivar again she could see that he and the boy were pulling at the bag. "You can do it Ivar" Tyra shouted from the crowd as they continue but Ivar nor the boy refused to let go. Ivar grew more and more angry by the second and snapped when he grabbed the small axe then swung it at the boys head. His blood at splatted a little on Ivar's face, the other children scream in fear and Tyra was stunned. Eira quickly rushed over to her, she quickly picked her up and carried her back inside. Ivar stared at the lifeless boy on the ground for a moment then begin to scream in anger as Aslaug and Helga rushed over to Ivar.  Asluag leaned down to her son, placing their forehead together he eventually stopped screaming . "Do not be afraid, this is not your fault...everything is alright" she whisper softly then lifted him up to bring him back inside the house. Hugging him tightly as they walked "Everything will be alright" she said once more. Helga leaned to the ground and touched the died boy then looked over to Floki in shock as did he with her.

Eira took Tyra into the throne room and sat her down in one of the chairs. "Tyra, my love are you okay?" she asked her "I am okay" she finally said and Eira quickly embraced her. Tyra returned the hug wrapped her small arms around her mother "Is Ivar okay?" she asked which surprised her after what she had just witness "I don't know, sweetheart" Eira pulled away from the hug and could see the concern in her daughter's eyes. "Can I see him now?" Tyra looked at her with pleading eyes and eventually they found Ivar in the other room with his mother. Aslaug was sitting on the floor, with him in his lap and arms wrapped securely around. Eira watched in the doorway as she watched her daughter walk over to him. Now standing in front of him Tyra could see the tear streaming down his face as he stared at her. She slowly placed her hand on his cheeks stroking it gently, "It's okay Ivar, I am here" she said. Ivar was shocked but soon stretch out his small hand and touched her face as well. Aslaug let Ivar go and allow him to crawl a little closer to her, Tyra got on the floor and sat beside him. She then reached out for his hand and she intertwined his fingers with hers "It's not your fault" Tyra spoke softly. 

Aslaug got up and went over the doorway to where Eira was standing. "It seem that he is in good hand" Aslaug smiled as they both watched their children talk among-est themselves. "So it seems" Eira said nothing more to her not even looking at her only her daughter "I know that you must hate for what happen to Siggy....But I am sure she would want you.... Aslaug want to say more but Eira interrupted "We will never know what she would've wanted for the dead do not speak" Eira gazes at her with a deep coldness in her eyes which made even Aslaug a little nervous.  

"You'll  see her again one day...we all will" Aslaug said softly

"And you will meet her much soon...if not by mine sword then someone else. And I will befriend the one who does" Eira said with a smile before leaving the room. Aslaug felt a deep sense of remorse and guilt for Siggy death and regretted in someway in how she had behaved. For some night she would often wake up for Siggy haunted her dreams, even though it has only been a year since it happened she still feels traumatized by it. Aslaug brushed her thoughts aside when she heard the children giggling, smiling down at them again. She thought about her future and hoped that she would have more time with him.  Looking back to the doorway where Eira, she kept hoping that her death will not come today.

A/N: Aslaug is afraid and she should be, Eira is dangerous when she needs to be. What will happen with Tyra and Ivar, you'll see in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote or comment, thanks again for those who are reading this story, it means a lot to me. :)

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