Chapter 14 - Prince Silver

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Author's Note: Endlessly sorry for going like, what, seven months without an update? Been really stressed between school and work and have had very little free time, and chapters 14-17 were anything but easy to write. But I've finally gotten them complete, so please forgive me for the delay, and I hope you enjoy!

Alile brushed snow off her shoulders as she returned to the cave and sat on the cold graphite floor, warming her hands by the campfire. For nearly two months they hid from king Naito's stalker, 'the girl in black', at Mt. Nomcludaint. On the first night they searched for caves for camp, but they were all claimed by Owlbears. Known for their aggressive natures, trespassing on their homes wasn't exactly pretty. Per usual, Casele exploded on Alile for not letting them know the Owlbears were inside, but that girl would never understand.

Fortunately, they had a much easier time finding unoccupied caves the following nights. This one wasn't exactly the most comfortable or spacious resting place, but Alile wasn't one to complain. Icy stalagmites and stalactites around them made it look as if they were resting in the maws of a great beast. Everyone else was asleep in their sleeping bags, and the duffel bags packed with their supplies rested against the cave walls.

Alile let out a sigh as she reflected back on their journey here. She, Casele, and Zento taught king Naito and his sisters how to hunt, but it wasn't easy to convince Naito and Alsen to kill animals, due to their over-attachment with their Animal Spirits. Each day they would practice their combat skills in sparring matches so that Naito could hold his ground against his stalker if she managed to track them down. Zento put the young king through rather rigorous workout routines, which the young king was all too eager about.

(I'm going to get taller and stronger than you, Cosena!), Naito would say, every time he'd return from their workout. Cosena would just laugh and brag that she could bench press him if she wanted, which she probably could have. Naito did indeed have a more muscular figure now, but he was still an Aquamaner regardless. No chance he'd get stronger than a Gaiamancer. The guys were establishing a bit of a friendship before Zento and Casele got into an argument. Zento hadn't worked out with Naito ever since.

(You've already grown enough, 'aint no chick going to beat you again.), Zento told him.

Normally it would have been rare to see Alsen without her arms glued to Naito, but lately she was spending more time by Cosena's side. However, Cosena was getting agitated rather easy lately, scratching under her sleeves for no apparent reason. Some nights when no one else was awake, Alile would hear the eldest Raizu sibling crying softly to herself, but she'd pretend not to notice.

"New royalty will arrive."  A tiny, index finger-sized sprite that resembled Alile spoke in a plain, emotionless monotone. It was dressed in a lawyer suit, wore a pair of round glasses and was reading off of a notepad. Alile preferred to refer to it as 'Spritelile'. Despite floating inside the middle of the flames, the sprite was completely unscathed.

"And then we ride off into the sunset on flying hotdogs like good old fashioned heroic cowboys. The end." Alile said, but the sprite simply continued reading.

"Self indulgence parts two away."

"Boring..." Alile pointed her finger at the sprite and pretended to shoot at it. "Pew, pew, pew. Go away." She really did wish it would go away, but she already knew that would never happen. It was the psychic part of her mind, always there to predict the future. No matter where she went or what she did, it would always follow.

Alile heard footsteps and clanking metal approaching, but she didn't need to worry. "Hello? Is anyone in there? " a deep male voice called from outside. Alile turned her head to see a man covered from head to toe in silver armor, his face masked by the helmet. He wore a black cloak emblazoned with the Maeruthan insignia; silver stripes and a golden sword. He walked with his hand gripped to the hilt of his sheathed sword. Following close behind him was a saddled, eight foot tall horse with onyx fur and a pair of gargantuan, magnificent wings protruded from it's back. It's wings and hooves were both surrounded by an aura of bright orange flames.

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