Chapter 6

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Kevin's POV:

​I've spent the last three days calling Sarah's cell trying to talk to her, but each time, she would decline my call. Sometimes she'd even answer and say she'd call me back but that never happened. I eventually got fed up and decided to limp all the way to her house. It took me long enough but when I finally got there I knocked on the door and Shawn let me in. He led me up to her room and I lightly knocked on her door. "Sarah?"

No response.

"It's Kevin. Please open up. I need to talk to you."

​I heard the door unlock and stepped away as it opened. Sarah looked as if she was some undead zombie from a movie, minus the blood. She had dark bags under her eyes, I guess from of lack of sleep. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her room. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

​I felt her nod. "I'm sorry I freaked out and didn't call you back," I could feel her breath against my neck.

​"It's a lot to take in," my voice was muffled against her thick hair. "I don't blame you." She continued to hug me as my leg throbbed from my journey. "Hey, Sarah, do you think I can sit down? I walked all the way here," she giggled and helped me sit on her bed.

​She sat next to me and placed her hand on my broken leg. I groaned in agony and she quickly took her hand off my leg and started apologizing. But as the pain left, I could feel my toes, then my shin, then my knee. I bent over and took my cast off as Sarah ​questioned me. When I took the cast off my leg, I wiggled my toes. I looked up at silent Sarah and she had a shocked expression on her face. I moved my once broken leg around some more.

​"I healed you?" she watched me as I walked and jumped around her room. I felt perfectly normal. She got off the bed and grabbed my hand. "I have to show my parents! This must have been what they were talking about." She pulled me toward her door. "Come on!"

​We began running down the stairs but stopped midway. At the bottom of the stairs, one man had his arms around Carlee and Maika's necks, another man had Shawn in a chokehold, the man next to them had his arms around Sarah's mom's neck and waist, and at the end of this line was a man who held Sarah's dad's arms behind his back. I stepped in front of Sarah so they wouldn't take her, too.

"What's going on?" I used my stern voice.

​The man in the middle took his arm away from Sarah's mom's waist and revealed a gun. Before he could fire, I pushed Sarah down so it would have less of a chance to hit her. I turned back around when I heard the shot fire and my side tore open. Everyone gasped as I collapsed onto the stair I was standing on. Sarah knelt beside me and applied pressure to the bullet wound. It felt as if something was eating at my flesh and life was slipping away from me.

I looked at the men who were holding my friends captive. I watched as Maika turned around and grabbed the man that was holding him and his sister by the shoulders. The man crumbled underneath Maika's touch and screamed in agony. Maika stared at his hands and back at the man for a few seconds before he ran over to help free Sarah's mom and dad. Shawn grabbed onto the man who was holding him in a headlock by the arms and flipped him over his head and slammed him onto the ground. Shawn yelled in success because of his new found gift.

I looked back at Sarah. "Is it bad?"

She tried to sound calm. "It's not too bad," but her eyes gave away that she was lying.

"They've gained their powers!" One of the men yelled to the others. "She needs to know. They're more powerful than we expected." I heard yelling as the men left but I kept my eyes on Sarah. I wasn't really interested in them anymore.

I stopped fighting the urge to close my eyes. I let the darkness begin to consume me but before I could slip away, Sarah put both of her bloodied hands on my cheeks and shook me. I slightly opened my eyes and looked at her. "Please stay awake! I can't lose you!" My heart began to pound harder which made me bleed even more which made me get even more lightheaded.

Sarah picked me up by my shoulders and Maika picked up my feet. They gently lifted me off the stairs and took me into the living room to lay me on the couch. I was beginning to sweat even though I felt like I needed a big blanket to keep warm.

Someone lifted up my shirt and gingerly touched the opening in my waist. I groaned as pain went through my body. "Dad, he needs a doctor," Shawn said.

"A normal doctor can't cure this," Sarah's dad continued to examine my wound.

"Why not?" Shawn questioned.

"That bullet had poison on it and that specific poison eats human flesh until the human is consumed. No normal human doctor has any idea how to cure this, but I do." Sarah's dad turned away from me. "Carlee, go get me a bowl of water. Maika, get a bunch of rags for me."

I heard footsteps run into the kitchen. The pain was now affecting my entire body and all I could think about was dying. I wanted to get away from the pain because I didn't want to endure anymore of it. But when I looked at Sarah as she sat next to me and held my hand, I completely took back everything. I needed to be here for her. I needed to live for her.

I held her hand and braced myself for the excruciating hours I knew that were coming.

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