Why do we cry,
When our hearts are broken?
Why can't we fly,
once we have awoken?Why do we sing,
When someone plays a guitar?
Why can't I ring,
When I see your star?Why can't I laugh,
When you're not being funny?
Why do I experience your wrath,
When you become angry?Why am I here,
When no one else is?
Why do you hug me,
When you're faced with your fears?Why do you say I'm dying,
When I'm perfectly fine?
Why can't we go flying
Kites in this pretty sunshine?Why do I ask questions,
When none of you answer?
If I could make some suggestions?
But sometimes there isn't an answer.
There are lots of unanswered questions in life. Whether somebody has the answer we'll never know. But it is important to hold onto the unanswered questions because they are what give life its meaning: to find an answer.