Names - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.


Those green eyes. Haunting yet entising, promising adventure, passion, romance and danger. Every night I'm plagued with the vision of the most beautiful woman in the known world. With jet black hair and Green eyes with gold flecks and blue tints. Usually she just stands there, arms wide beckoning to me, her body covered in flowing white fabric that clung to her every contour and teased me when it fluttered away from her skin, showing the soft pale skin under the robes.  

This dream though, this dream was the same and catastrophically different at the same time. The woman was stood there in the white robes, inviting me in, promising acceptance. But tonight, she spoke. The music that danced from her lips were the sweetest sounds that had ever intruded upon my ears. She only spoke one word, but it was enough to leave me craving more and clinging to the word. All she said was "Soon".  

What is soon?! My next mission, Hell will freeze over?, Hitler's reincarnation?! Urgh, I hate cliff hangers and I find it incredibly irritating that my own mind created one for itself! 

I shook my head trying to clear it, stretching my arms out and blowing my bangs out of my eyes.  

The door swung open and hit the wall with a loud bang. A very angry looking midget stood in the door way with a less than amused look on her face. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked into the library. I scrambled around the desk, and shoved the book i had been studying for too long under a stack of papers, trying to put off the inevitable result of its knowledge.  

"Lynx?" Mara said. I looked down at my little sister, shes only 5.4, but compared to my 6.5 shes an elf. "you need to go to bed brother, lack of sleep is making you ugly. And we both no i'm too vain to live with a brother who voluntarily gives himself over to the ugly side!" I laughed at the sacrastic smile that usually accompanied Mara's care free attitude. She was right of course, as much as i hated to admit it to her -which i never will- my boring white t-shirt and jeans look was mundane in comparison to her artfully faded cut off jeans, masterfully crumpled v-neck shirt that had "It's not me, its you" written across it, and a black leather jacket over it, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her heels brought her to shoulder level, but she still wasnt able to look me dead in the eye, which was what i needed. I hated being told what to do. Thats one of the reasons why i hate my job.  

Being a high ranking army official, it is my job to track down well known Human families and iradicate them. My sister, helps me but i usually prefer to work alone, there's no need for her to bare my responsibilties, no matter how much she tells me she doesnt mind and to shut up! 

"LYNX!" she shouted grabbing my chin and pulling me down to eye level. The unexpected movement and loud shouting brought me back form my reverie and to the angry dwarf that harted being ignored.  

"Im sorry Mara. I guess i was just delaying the inevitable." her mouth twisted into a small pout and she bit down on the corner of her lip, I knew that look, she was trying to stop herself from saying something. She used to have no verbal filter what so ever, but when our teacher Madam Mackendly taught her to button it in essence she developed a new habit.  

"What?" I asked her, knowing that if i looked her dead in the eyes for long enough she'd crack. 20 seconds later she sighed and i smirked in victory. 

"I've had enough. For too long you've done the bidding of idiot, ignorant and power hungry arseholes that sit in a stuffy room waffling on about crap that no one really understands!! IT'S GOT TO STOP AND THE ONLY PERSON-sadly- WITH ANY IDEA HOW TO DO THAT IS YOU!!! So stop wallowing in self pity and dusty old books and get your finger out!! Stop worring about duty, Mum, Dad- who are mentally retared anyway- and honor and start fighting for what we believe in...I can't do it on my own brother..." She trailed off, passion filled her silver eyes as she glared at me like a angry kitten. 

I was in shock. Shes never shouted at me beofre, The ocational bitch fest, but never yell. She rolled her eyes at my dumb struck expression. she turned around and headed back out the door, but not without a quick 

"Go to bed, you look like hell" thrown in there. 

I sighed in resignation. My eyes were heavy and my breathing was turning into yawning. With one last glance at the papers on my desk, I walked out of the room and closed the door quietly behind me.  

The house was quiet, except for the occasional T.V. or radio. Leisurley I walked down the 2 flights of stairs towards my bedroom. I know a normal person would have had there room on a second or third floor, but I was raised with the mind of a soldier, so practical thinking is something i dont lack in. It stands to reason that i would have a ground level room as it is easier than free falling out of a window if under attack.  

Tomorrow I would be engaging in yet another battle were I will be forced to take more lives, One in which I don't agree with and never have. My father Is an Ass hole that takes immense pleasure out of my obedience and inability to find my god damn voice. I'm a masochist as Mara has put it many times.  

When i rounded the corner to my corridor, a cold rush of air hit me and made me shiver. I looked towards the bottom of the hall way and the window was open. But what made my eyes widen was the person who had opened it.  

Who the hell hired the security staff here, because if they were any good, there wouldn't be a girl climbing through the god damn window!!!  

Just then the wind blew her hair around her face, allowing me to see her features. She was pale but apparently strong as she held her own body weight up. She kicked her leather wrapped leg up onto the ledge. But she missed and her balance faltered. She looked up and i found myself half way down the corridor running at her. She was going to fall, and regardless of the window being 12 feet from the ground, i didnt want her hurt. My chest ached and dragged me towards the girl.  

Her arms gave way and just as she was about to fall i locked both hands around her forearm. Her eyes widened when she looked at me, and her pupils dialated.  


Oh my god. The eyes. The eyes are the exact same from my visions. Deep green, tinted with the tiniest fragment of blue and gold streaks weaving through the iris'. My breath caught in my throat as i fell into the most beautiful things i had ever seen in my entire existence, period.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2011 ⏰

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