r&w. never-sent letters

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Meeting you in person makes me so bloody nervous that's why. Why do you think I was so red when we got assigned as partners in the first place?
P.S; please never stop calling me Ronald.

wishing you weren't so oblivious, Ron Weasley.


Dear Ronald,

Is it me? Are you embarrassed to be seen with a lousy Hufflepuff? If so, please let me know. It would help to decide if I like you or I like your face.

searching for answers, Willow Reed.



Do you not like working with me? Or am I simply overthinking your dislike towards Herbology? I'm sorry I shouldn't worry so much. We haven't even been friends for that long.

worrying like always, Ron Weasley.


Dear Ronald,

Please don't stop writing to me, I'm so lonely.

writing with no friends, Willow Reed



How are you so naturally kind and outgoing? Merlin what I'd do to match your confidence, maybe then I'd suck it up and hold your hand like a normal person would.

wishing I was more like you, Ron Weasley.


Dear Ronald,

I'm so bloody into you yet you keep treating me like a sister.

fed up, Willow Reed.



I'm scared to ruin what we have, but I can't put my feelings aside for much longer.

fed up, Ron Weasley.



I kissed you. I don't know what came over me. You were just standing there under the sun, looking beautiful as ever, and I just couldn't help myself. I'm a coward, I bloody know that. What was I expecting? For you to automatically run into the arms of someone who was too scared to show any sort of romantic interest towards you? But Merlin knows you confused me even more. You kissed back. And I know that it was a splurge of the moment thing, that you would never kiss some poor red-headed fool. But without meaning it, you just tripled my feelings towards you. It was unintentional, but you did it. And I want to hate you for it, I really do. But I'm not going to lie, Godric knows what I'd give to kiss you over and over again.

infatuated by you, Ron Weasley.


Dear Ronald,

You kissed me. How bloody dare you kiss me? Did you even consider my feelings? You don't understand how long I've been waiting for you to show any sign of attraction towards me, and you go and bloody kiss me. And the worst part? I kissed back. I kissed back and you now have all the evidence needed that me, a random Hufflepuff, likes you. Actually I lied, that's no where near the worst part. The worst part is, that I know you didn't mean it. Your letter just proves it and that fucking hurts Ronald Weasley. So yeah lets just "forget it ever happened." because we both agree that it was a "mistake". But Merlin what I would give to kiss you over and over again.

dear ronald; ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now