Cayde-6 x Warlock!Exo!Reader

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Y/N' s P.O.V.

        I smirked as I quickly launched myself into what would be one of the more difficult missions thus far. Although, taking on the Devil's Lair didn't seem so difficult. In fact it seemed so incredibly easy! A mob of fallen and hive in the warehouse was a little troublesome, but not impossible. I, of course, prevailed and killed them all! 

Why did Zavala think I needed to wait this long to take them on? This was far too easy! But, why wasn't my ghost calling me back to my ship? Was this not it? I gulped before I spoke up, seeing the blockade of beams deactivate.


"Yes guardian?" he answered as he floated over to my side.

"W-why hasn't the mission stopped, was that n-not the end?" I shook slightly at the thought of what would be waiting for me if this wasn't the end.

"No, we have to get to the lair before we can go home, if we don't put a stop to the servitor now, we could all be in serious danger!" my ghost explained.

"Then, I guess we have no choice but to continue and try our hardest," I said determination flowing through me and my light. I marched past the small corridor and soon began to sprint in the direction my ghost was pointing me to go...

  I soon found myself in front of a large opening in the metal walls. I peeked around the corner and my eyes widened behind my helmets dark visor.

"W-what is that thing?!"

"That-" my ghost started, "is the Devils Lair Servitor, Sepiks. It's been interrupting our communications for quite some time now, so we need to get rid of it and fast!"

"Well Shhiiiii-" "KEEP IT PG!" My ghost exclaimed, I smirked slightly before I remembered what I was about to put myself through. I groaned but lifted my gun either way, my super already charged, as well as my melee and grenade. Time to take this thing on-, by myself...

I was huffing and puffing by the time Sepiks had fallen. My visor cracked, my robes torn, and my ammo nearly gone. My shoulder in a burning pain from the fallen vandals dislocating my arm, disrupting my aim at Sepiks and causing my shields to fall. Multiple plasma burns on my sides and legs.

Third Person P.O.V.

"That could have gone better," She muttered leaning on a wall and sliding down, a thin sheet of oil coating the wall, until the Exo got into a seated position pulling off her busted helmet. Bright white optics piercing the darkness around her, attenae pushed back from the exhaustion, coolant leaked from a crack on her head, transparent blue rolling down her camo blue and chipped paint, her white horn-hawk chipped slightly and crooked.

"Don't worry I'll set up the transmat, the ship will stay on auto pilot until we get to the Tower so you can be healed," Ghost said quickly as he revealed himself and scanned her to send to the Tower to alert the healers. She gave a weak thumbs up before her head fell back against the walls, her mechanical body resorting to stand by mode to try and heal itself.

"Oh no, no no noo!" Ghost exclaimed when he saw the Exo basically shut down. The transmat finally occurred as they immediately set course for the Tower.

Cayde-6s' P.O.V.

I looked around confused by Ikora and multiple healers and mechanics bustling around the hall. They all looked distressed.

"What's going on?"

"One of my warlocks has gotten into a bit of trouble with their mission. We need the finest mechanics and healers to get them to working order," Ikora explained. I tilted my head slightly in confusion.

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