Does she love me like i her??

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Matei's POV

Today I woke up and for some reason I was happy so I went to school with emelia and I met with Tj and Selina and we all went to class at lunch we all sat in the same table and I don't know why but I asked Tj how Jana was doing then after i blurted that out I thought why would I ask something like that?? I don't even know her that well. But before I can take back what I said Tj told me I don't think you are her type mate, and I was just like wow I didn't even ask if I was her type I told him I don't care I was just wondering ok, and so that was when Tj said Look mate you see the thing is me and Jana are dating you know but she doesn't want anyone to know so we keep it on the low end of ok, and so I just said yeah mate it was just a question ok she saved Emelia and my life on Saturday so I just wanted to be kind and ask how she was doing.

Tj's POV
I honestly don't know why matei asked for jana and I don't know why but I got kind of jealous. That's why I told him that me and Jana are a thing already and he seemed really surprised at this I don't know why if I'm hilarious and cute and I have good style. Soon after lunch was over I looked over to see matei he seemed disappointed on what I had told him so know I hope that he does not go and ask Jana if we are actually dating because the truth is I have kind of had a small crush on Jana ever since she came to the city and I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me.

Jana's POV

Today I was working at the Kafe when I got a text message from Tj it said that he needed to see me quickly at the den so I rushed over there and that was when I noticed his scent wasn't the only one there matei's scent was there too. So I carefully walked and saw matei and tj standing there waiting for me that was when I saw that matters had a sad face and it almost made me sad. When I went to ask what was won't matei told me his story about the fire and so after he told me he handed me a silver ring he said it was the last thing there after the fire and that if I can use ansin to see if I can find the person that killed his parent.

Matei's POV

When I saw Jana coming through the woods I wanted to smoke but I guess what tj told me earlier it kinda made me sad soup I told her about my parents the night of the fire and how I saved my sister she agreed to do ansin with the ring I have her after. She looked at me and she smiled I couldn't help but smile back and that was when I caught tj holding her hand and I just got a little frustrated and I looked away. So she saw what had happened that night and we just thought for a second, after a while Tj got a call from his mum saying he was late home and she wanted him now so he told Jana bye and with the corner of my eye I saw him wink at her and she just smiled so I just looked away. That was when Jana started talking about her mum and saying how she didn't remember much about her but she still missed her, that was when she asked to see the ring again so I have it to her and she used ansin and told me something my mum had told me a long time ago I just couldn't help it and it made me cry.

Jana's POV

I used ansin on the ring matters gave me and i told him something​ that his mum had said and so all of a sudden I hear matei crying and I couldn't help it so I grabbed him and held his hands while hugging him trying to comfort him because I couldn't bare seeing him like this so I just held him and I heard him let out a very painful howl.

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