what happened to canada??

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A/N Hey guys so this has both Jatei and maddian I'm excited to do this chapter so keep reading and tell me what u think.

Matei's POV

Today I woke up happy even though I knew that Jana and Tj where dating because Jana had finally looked at me differently and I liked it alot so I went down to the Kafe and I saw Tj next to Jana and I sat next to Selina and Emelia we talked for a while, Tj kept looking at me and Jana and so I just got frustrated and I asked Jana if we could talk alone and she smiled and nodded.

Jana's POV

When matei asked if we could talk in private I got nervous but I managed to smile and I nodded, we went into the kitchen because it was a little loud and I didn't want tj to hear because he is really nosy so after we got to the kitchen he turned around and stared at me and that was when he asked Are you and the really dating?? I didn't know what to say because I froze with confusion some anger in that and I just said no and I asked why he was asking and he told me well Tj told me that you guys were dating but that you didn't want anyone to know because it was kept a secret. Once I listened to what matei had told me I felt me starting to vain up and I told matei that it wasn't true. Matei saw my reaction to this and he hugged me he said that he had hoped it wasn't true and I was confused and asked why he had hoped that but he didn't have time to explain because that was when my phone rang I looked to see who it was and it said unknown so I answered it but no one answered back I sat there for a good 2 minutes and nobody answered so I just hung up and went back to matei and asked him what he was saying but we were interrupted again by tj, Selina, and Emelia telling us that Imara just called and she said that a wild wolfblood was wandering in the woods and that because I was the best tracker that I needed to find the wolfblood so me, matei, Selina, tj, and Emelia all went to the woods to find this wolfblood.

Tj's POV

I heard them talking in the kitchen it wasn't clear but I could still pick up something and that was when I heard matei tell Jana the lie I had told him so after a few I just stopped listening because it was to loud in the Kafe and then that was when my mum called saying that there was a wild wolfblood in the woods and that she needed Jana to find him so we told her and all of the pack went to the woods to go and check out to see if we can find the wolfblood and that was when Jana caught a scent Over here!! She called out to us and we ran we saw Jana chasing the wild wolfblood we couldn't exactly see who he was but Jana was still going after him. When we all saw Jana pin the wild wolfblood down we ran to help her but when we got there we saw the wild wolfblood turn into his wolf form Jana was growling and after a bit she did the same.

Jana's POV

While I was in front of the wild wolfblood I saw he began to change into his wolf form so I did the same that was when I heard matei scream my name and told me to look out so I turned and saw the wolfblood running towards me something seemed different about his scent but I wasn't focused enough so I just doged him and that was when I heard another howl it was a howl of a wolfblood in pain the other wolf took one look and tried to run off but I caught him and growled to show him who was alpha and that was when he turned into his human form again.

Matei's POV

I saw Jana and the other wolfblood turn back into their human forms and she just started for a while and that was when I saw them hug and she screamed out the name Ryhdian we all looked at each other in confusion and we saw them hug for a while then they got up. I wasn't going to lie maybe they are related or something but I felt really jealous of this wild wolfblood named Ryhdian who was probably Welsh.

Jana's POV

I screamed Ryhdians name and he just smiled and we hugged for a while until tj interrupted so we got up and I told them who he was and I could see that matei was looking a little mad and so after Ryhdian greeted everyone we were going to go back to the Kafe when Ryhdian said he couldn't go and I asked why and he said that he had to find Maddy and I asked what had happened and he said that they were being chased by other wild wolfbloods and that they were chased all the way over here so I agreed to help and tried to send the pack home but mate said that he wouldn't leave me out here all alone so I just gave in after that.

Ryhdian's POV

I saw that one of the wolfbloods in Jana's pack wouldn't stop staring at me all angry or maybe even jealous so I just smirked and ignored it because even though we just met he seemed like a really good guy and I would never love anyone else except for my maddy and that was when I remembered that I had lost Maddy while we were being chased so I used eolas to try and find her and I did I saw Maddy but she was hurt was she ok? That was when we all heard a howl of a wolfblood in pain and I quickly thought Maddy and I ran as fast as I could to go help her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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