Chapter Four: Five O'Clock in the Morning, Conversation Got Boring

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Chapter Four:

Kyo didn't sleep that night, he laid awake, millions of thoughts running through his head, everything about Tohru. When he met her, how beautiful she was, how kind she was to him, and especially the events of the day before.

At around five in the morning, he chose to get up, and he headed to Tohru's room. Standing outside the door he swayed back and forth, half of him wanted to leave, but half wanted to stay. It's too early, he chided himself, she is not even up yet.

In the end though, the self that wanted to see her won, and he pushed the door open, creeping inside. Not wanting to wake up Shigure and Yuki and have to explain what the hell he was doing.

Sneaking into her room, he approached her bed, standing next to it for a moment, just watching her sleep. He didn't feel like a creep, she was beautiful. He looked at her delicate features, and her smooth skin, and he wanted to touch her face, but he didn't. That would be weird.

"Hey, Tohru", he whispered, trying to wake her quietly. He still couldn't believe he was in here trying to wake her up this early so that he could apologize. He had to.

Tohru heard his voice, and blinked her eyes open slowly. "Oh, Kyo!" She exclaimed, looking around wildly. "Did I sleep through my alarm?" She hadn't heard it go off but maybe she'd slept through it. She didn't want to be late, and not make the boys their breakfast. "Oh, you look so tired! Did you get home late?" She noticed the dark bags under his eyes, and the fact that he was still wearing yesterday's clothes, being the stew stained cargo pants. They also had mud stains on the legs, presumably from the forest.

"Nah, you didn't sleep through your alarm-" he told her, running a hand through his fluffy orange hair. "Just let me explain." Tohru was sitting up straight, and she quieted, waiting for Kyo to explain what was going on.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I guess, about the way I treated you yesterday-" he told her, gritting his teeth a little, apologizing was hard, "I didn't mean all those things I said, and you're not an airhead, I'm sorry. I got carried away, and I'm so used to trash talking that damn rat, I wasn't thinking about what I said-". He tugged on the suspenders hanging at his waist. "So anyway- I just wanted to apologize, I know how sensitive-" he said the word through strained teeth, "You can be, and I didn't want you thinking I hated your or something". Kyo shrugged his shoulders and looked down at her, sitting on the bed.

Tohru stared up at him, she was still half asleep, and honestly shocked that Kyo had come to apologize at all. He never apologized, and if he made an attempt, it was a half apology, half blaming you.

"Thank you for apologizing Kyo-" Tohru told him, she thought it was very sweet. "I was worried that you hated me-". Kyo sighed and rolled his eyes, "See, I couldn't let you think that I hated you," internally though, he cringed, that's exactly what he'd been worried about.

Tohru moved a little, her white lacey nightgown puckering around her chest, Kyo felt his eyes drawn down, and had to force them back up. "So, do you forgive me?" He asked her, looking down at the floor, hoping she did.

Her face cracked into a huge smile, "Of course I do!" She exclaimed, standing up to face him, the height difference causing her to look up into his face anyway, "Thank you for apologizing, it was so sweet".

He grinned, his boyish face lighting up at her words. Without saying anything else, he leaned forward, wrapped a hand behind her neck, careful not to touch their bodies together, and pressed a kiss to her mouth.

Tohru's eyes spread wide open as she stared at him, and he ran his fingers through the back of her hair. As soon as he pulled back they stared at each other, Kyo looked at her, then down at the floor and then back at her. "I've uh- got to go". He told her, before dashing to the door, pulling it open, shutting it quietly, and then scampering down the hall.

Tohru was left standing, stunned in the middle of the bedroom. Kyo had just kissed her! Her cheeks flushed bright red, and her lips were tingling. She wished she'd kissed him back. It had just happened so fast she didn't know what to do. She raised a finger and touched her bottom lip. To her touch it didn't feel hotter than before, but she could still feel a burning sensation from where Kyo pressed his mouth against hers. She sat back on the bed, and covered her mouth, and her huge smile. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She wanted to shriek.

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