Chapter One

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Hello thank you for reading my Harry Potter Fanfiction. The events taken place on are not taken in consideration the plots of the newest book The Cursed Child reading the story description you might tell that. The first chapter is a for my sister as her birthday present. Happy birthday sis I love you! I don't own many of the characters like but some I did create. I recommend reading the other 7 Harry Potters before this book or at least the movies because I reference a lot of the old characters. I am very much American so the dialect is my attempt to a English Accent and proper English writing.

Lily's POV

I was sitting on a marble stood by our oak wood counter in the kitchen reading my muggle's history book as my mother and Emma cooked. We both awaited patiently for my father to come home from work. My brother James was also coming home today, I haven't seen him all year. The house elves worked around the house. We were kind to them, they were our friends nay more like our family. Oh I almost forgot we are the Potter family; we lived in our manner. My father is Harry James Potter, mother is Ginevra Molly Potter, I have two older brothers James Sirius Potter and Albus Severus Potter and I am the youngest of the 3 Potter children my name is Lily Luna Potter and I am 11 years old.As I turn to the next chapter in my book I hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs which cause me to bow my head down deeper into my book soon my older brother Albus appears in the door frame. "Albus, your older brother James shall be home from the ministry soon. Aren't you excited?" My mother asks grinning. Albus cocks an eyebrow giving a unsatisfied look "Mother I graduated from Hogwarts a few months ago, I don't want to be a wizard, we talked about this." My mother sighs disappointed "When are you leaving to find a job in the muggle world?" She asks putting her hand on the counter by me. My brother sinks back on the other side supporting himself by his elbows smirking confidently. "Next week; when Lilly receives her letter." I look up for the first time in the whole conversation. "Are you sure I'll be accepted to a wizardry school? Are we even sure I'm a wizard?" For all summer has passed and no letters have arrived to me, I quite worried. "You're a witch." The way in unison. "But are we sure?" I let out a deep breath as I ask again which causes my brother to roll his eyes. "You're a witch sweetheart." My mum says reassuringly. I slam my book shut standing up causing the doors of the cabinets to shake "What if no Wizardry school wants me mother?" My mother takes her out her wand to close the cabinets "There are 11 wizardry schools out there. I'm sure at least ONE of them would want you. And don't forget, you're a Potter." Albus says sarcastically "Great! Thanks to Albus, Hogwarts won't want anything to do with me!" I snark. Albus glares at me his eyes wanting to burn holes in my head "Because I wasn't a excellent student like James or saved the world like father doesn't make me a bad student. At least I was in Gryffindor!"

Those words acted as triggers, suddenly I was my eight year old self back at Hogwarts taking a tour of the school with my parents the day James received a new teaching job at the ministry. We were walking down a long narrow hallway with dim lights and rugged walls. I was walking behind my parents when heard these loud hissing noises coming from the walls I looked ahead at my parents but the didn't seem to hear. I tried shrugging it off but they were too loud and clear not to be ignored. It was as if it was speaking directly to me. The voice was pulling me into the other side of where I was walking, back to where I had been. My curiosity got the best of me and I followed the voice, It led me farther and farther from my parents into a small hole through the wall big enough for me to pass through. So I did, it led to a big room with four long dining tables. Many chandeliers hung from the ceiling and flag poles holding the Hogwarts logo hung from the right and left wall.The room had tall walls that reach up to the ceiling, which is covered with and candles and enchanted to look like the sky above. To the left of the table is a door that was also locked. And on the far end wall away from the huge Wooden doors that were shut, there was a long table with many chairs in the middle was a throne-like chair in the center of the table. There were small windows around the side of the hall, and a large window behind the big table where the light shines through, and a podium carved with an owl is put right in front of the big chair in front of that table was a stool that held a hat on top of it. It was pointed, brown, kind of worn out looking. I walked closer to it and it looked as if it had a face. As I climbed the stairs nearer to it slowly and quietly as I got close I reached out to touch it. "State your name!" It roared, causing me to jump back in fright. It talks? I was on my bum looking up at this magical object. "Uh- I- I'm Lily Luna Potter." I stuttered "Another Potter eh? Well what are you waiting for put me on." "W-Why?" "I'll tell you your house- Oi where are the other students?" "Just me, I'm not in Hogwarts yet. I hope to be... soon. I'm only eight." "Well you already woke me up, so what do you say? Do you wanna know what you're gonna be in the future?" "Y- Yes." I take the hat "Oi what are you doing?" A boyish voice calls out to me. I look back and see a blonde haired boy marching up to me. "Well? What are you doing?" Has asks pointing a straight finger at me "G-getting sorted." I say shyly "Your look a girl who's merely eight such as myself. Oi what's your name?" He asks me "Lilly, Lilly Potter." I say confidently "Potter? My father went to school with a lad named Potter; saved his life too." "My father's name is Harry Potter." "The boy who lived?" "Yes." "Wow! It's a pleasure to meet you Potter, I'm-" "Shall I go back to sleep?" The sorting hat asks. "No! Go ahead Potter put it on." I hesitate. "Oi are you scared Potter? What? Breaking the rules isn't something you do?" He snatched it out of my hand and put it above so I can't reach "Give it back!" I holler reaching for it "What's the matter Potter a bit beyond of your reach?...I'm just toying with you. Go ahead put it on me." He jerks the hat to me and he sits himself down on the stool and I have the hat in my hands. I take a breath and I place it on him "SLYTHERIN!" The hat roars. "Yes! Just like me dad!" The boy takes it off and places it on my head. In sit in the stool as it began to speak again "Mmn.... a tough choice, tough choice indeed. You definitely are your father's daughter... Plenty of courage a good head on your shoulders too.  Book smarts, that's a plenty. But far to head strong to be a Ravenclaw... there are many talents. Ah! Yes! A thirst to prove yourself. Very resourceful. Very Daring perhaps all Potters are the sam- Oh, what's this? Power! Great power! Mm, you can be great you know. It's all here in your head. And I know the perfect house to help you on your way to....greatness. No doubt about it. Yes I'm certain.... Slytherin!" It says confidently; My eyes light up and they meet the grey ones in front of me. The boy takes the hat and placed it back on the stool. "We're on the same house!" We high five and smile at each other. "What's your name by the way?" I asks realizing he hasn't had a chance to tell me "I'm D-" he began but was interrupted a second time "Lily? Where are you?" My mum yells I looked up at the boy. "That's my mum I better leave!" I say looking at the hole in the wall "I'll see you in Hogwarts soon!" We hug and I scurry off.

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