Shr3k's P.O.D.V:
I sat on a bench, sighing to myself. Damn Badgers won't get off meh swamp, no matter how loud I brink or rawr at dem. I suddenly pull out a dorito from my earlobe, bc what the heck, I'm Shrek. I'm God of all the meme. I then see a bootiful green, lucious, snazzy froggo to meh right, and I jump up. "Hes on meh swermp!" I mudder to myself, angerleh. I then stomp my elephant pheet over to dat bootiful froggo. He den saw me, and looked at me like I did him a frigthen.
"N0 sir d0n't hurth m3, I juts wan3d t0 s33 th3 l0c0us gr33n tr33s and fr0gg0." He said, quite sh00k. In turn, I raise a eyebrow, and said to him, simpally "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)."
He looked at me strangely, and said back. "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?" I nood, and he seemed to give a smol smile.