(Btw, sense you all are me lovable nOobsz, her is how the counting system goes:
🍝=10Luv y'all)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s P.O.D.V:
OI. It's mE, lEnny. I'm thE gOd Of All, nOt whAt thAt STOOPID shreK ses. AnywAy, I wAs wAlkIng dOwn thE strEEt, And I sEE sEriUs BlAck, dAt wOn dOOd frOm HErry pOOter. I gIv A sqEE, and I rUn OvEr wIth mY TOtAlly ExIsting lEgs.
As I gEt clOsEr, hE lOOks mOrE lIkE ShrEk, and I dO a GASSPY-GOOSP. I dOs A smIrk, and hE dOsE mE A glArE.
"WhAt's wrOnge, bebeh?"
(Suspenseful music)