Chapter 2

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First Kiss ~ Megatronus and Orion Pax ~ Prime Verse

Author's note: Hey guys! Here is the second chapter!

Author's Note: .....I do not own Transformers. I wish I did though!


The young librarian jumped maybe a good foot in the air, not having heard anyone walk in. He turned around quickly then smiled sheepishly at his mentor and adopted creator Alpha Trion.

The older mech had found the youngling almost starved on the streets of Iacon. He took him in and raised him in the arts of self disipline and literature. Alpha Trion chuckled softly and gently rubbed the mechlings helm.

"Daydreaming again, are we little one?"

Orion blushed and nodded. He was caught, again. He still didnt know how the older mech just knew what he was doing! Orion slowly stood straight and smiled.

Alpha Trion smiled, amused. He knew the young mech was thinking about a certain gladiator. Alpha worried for his adopted creation sometimes. The gladiator seemed like bad news, he could feel it deep in his spark. But, he trusted his youngling to figure that out on his own, even tho he didnt want him hurting.

Orion walked up to the older mech and hugged him, knowing no one was around to see them. He looked up into his face and smiled.

“I am sorry Alpha Trion. I was just thinking about some things. I will do better in focusing on my surroundings better.”

Alpha smiled and hugged the mechling back, nuzzling him softly.

“It is alright my little one, no harm done. Now, what was it that you were thinking about?”

Alpha asked, smiling, amused at the youngling who suddenly started blushing and shuffling his peds. Orion fidgeted in front of the older archivist, a little embarrassed to say anything.

“ see.......uh......”

Orion stammers as Alpha smiles wider, even more amused. He gently interupts him and answers for him.

“You were thinking about a certain gladiator, werent you?”

Orion blushed harder, making Alpha smile more, knowing he was spot on. Orion looks at the floor and mumbles before telling him more.

“A.....actually, I was thinking about him but i was thinking about what it would be like to......kiss......him......”

He says, keeping his helm down so as to not show how embarrassed he felt at the moment. He knew his adopted creator wanted him to be completely honost with him and he knew that he wouldn't be judged, no matter what he said. Alpha Trion frowned then chuckled, knowing he was dealing with new territory with the young mech.

“Ah, i see Orion. Well, have you both talked about it with each other?”

Orion looked up at his mentor/creator rather quickly. Alpha hoped he had not twisted some wires in his neck. Orion was stammering and sputtering undicepherable words and Alpha held up his servo to stop him for the moment.

“Orion, calm young one, I did not mean to embarrass you more. Just talk with him soon so you both have an idea where to go in your relationship, alright?”

Orion nods and smiles, relieved that the disccusion is over. Alpha gestures to the door with a soft smile and a small chuckle.

“I believe your gladiator is waiting?”

Orion gasped then hugged his mentor quickly before running out the door. Just as he ran out, he heard his mentor shout after him.

“Orion! Not too late! You have lessons in the morning!”

First Kiss  ~  Megatronus and Orion Pax  ~  Prime VerseWhere stories live. Discover now