Authors Note

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Wow, this was the shortest book I've ever written and I'm so happy that I actually got to it.

4 books are finished.

I guess I should get to this in those who have finished reading this book- I absolutely salute you. This was a more poetic book than my others and I feel as though I reached a new level in my creativity.

The moral of this book as I always explain- is to realize who you are and to accept your pain for where you're at.

Gabriel the Kindred was not to be seen as the main character or even remotely close, more like a catalyst and almost the soul of Isabella. She was masked by her pain, she felt sorry for herself.

But she realized that that fact she cut made her crazy or made her seem abnormal.

Everyone is depressed, it does NOT take a diagnosis and some medication to become happy. It takes love. Love is the only medication to heal and cure depression.

Not love from somebody else, but love for yourself.

It is okay, that you're upset, it's okay that you're bulimic, it's okay that you're cutting because you are hurting.'s not okay to keep doing it- it's not okay to let it make you a victim because you are not.

A rape victim



Bullying, I dont care what it is. You are not a victim. They are.

You have more power than you think and the instant you hurt yourself adds more power to them. They don't see the pain that they caused but that doesnt mean you have to endure it.

The reason why I made him die is for obvious reasons. Gabriel was everything good and bad, Gabriel was her Paintings. Her cuts.

He ultimately had to die but in a beautiful manner because that sad and depressed part of her had to die as well. It HAD to pass on. Angels only remain as long as their needed, because then YOU become an angel as well and realize that you always have been one.

You may be wounded but you are NOT defeated

and if anyone at all ever needs to talk to me about anything- I will not judge- lord knows IM in no position to judge- but I am always here. I will reply as soon as I can.

There is beauty even in pain. The beauty that you're living. The beauty that it is okay to hurt but even more beautiful to stop the cutting and purging and to be able to look in the mirror - scars and all and be okay with what you see.

people aren't going to like you, even if you're saving the world- people are going to be jealous and they will be cruel....but don't let that stop you from living.

Pain will die and you will prosper, I believe in you all.

I love you guys so much you have no idea and I plan to publish this as well.

Thank you for reading....stay beautiful my angels

love Flower The Kindred

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