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A girl's voice yells come in, I turn the knob, and push the door open. As soon as my eyes adjust to the bright light, I'm completely overwhelmed by all different kinds of plants. Various types of flowers and herbs on the window sill, hanging from the ceiling and some just on the floor. Most of the plants on the ground are crowding one specific area, but the ones hanging from the ceiling are all around the room.
On the back wall, parallel with the door are two large windows, then on the left wall is a day bed with a canopy. The canopy is a light green- likes lots of things in this room.
On the right wall is what I'm guessing is my bed. It's twin sized, and already made with a fluffy white duvet cover, two larger white pillows and some smaller light green ones.

"Hi there!" The same voice that let me in says. Wait, that's not a British accent. I turn my head towards the voice and see a red headed girl crouching beside a small tree, pushing soil in around it. "She needed more soil you see," the girl says standing up. She dusts her hands off on her dark jeans and holds one out for me to shake. "Poppy Greenwood, and you must Aria. It's a pleasure to meet you." I shake her hand and nod. I wonder if Mrs. Morris told her my name, and if the whole school knows I'm here. I'd bet anything that once news gets out that there's going to be a new student, the whole school knows within an hour.

"Sorry about all the plants. I'm used to having this room to only myself and I've been trying to find some other place to put them." As much as I wasn't expecting to walk into a jungle, I realize I don't actually mind it. It's kind of beautiful. "No, It's fine," I tell Poppy. "I like it." She beams at me, obviously relieved that I don't mind the plants. "Oh gosh, how awful of me. I haven't even offered to help you with your bags, er, bag."

"Would be it considered rude for me to ask what accent you have?" Poppy laughs, causing her to snort. "No not at all! I'm from Ireland."

"Ah Irish! I knew it had to be something like that." I sigh and sit on the bed. "I love Ireland. I bet you miss it." Poppy sighs too and sits next to me. "All the time. How many times have to been there?"

"Three. My parents and I go there all the time." Then I catch myself and add, "Well, used to." A few minutes go by of awkward silence but then Poppy turns her whole body to face me. She opens her mouth to say something when there's a knock at the door. Poppy tells the knocker to come in. The door swings open to reveal a short blonde girl. She walks into the room without saying a word, her soft blonde curls swooshing behind her. And I'm suddenly feelings insecure. I wish I could get my hair to look like that. She flops face first onto Poppy's bed, groaning as she does.

"What happened now, Lydia?" The girl, Lydia, sits up and rolls her eyes. "Do you think murdering your roommate is grounds for expulsion?" Poppy snorts, "Probably, especially if you make a mess in the process." She says it in a way to where I can't tell whether she's joking or not. "Adele is driving me crazy," Lydia remarks, drawing out the end of crazy. This Adele, whom I've gathered is Lydia's roommate, cannot be that bad. Sighing, Poppy gets up and goes to inspect the small tree she had been kneeling beside when I came in. "What has she done now?"

"She 'accidentally' spilt hot pink nail polish all over my new canvases. They're all ruined," she pauses, but quickly starts ranting again. "And then she had the nerve to suggest that I just use hot pink paint in all of my paintings. Is that not the most daft thing you've ever heard? As soon as she said it I just had to leave." Then, her light eyes find their way to me. "I'm sorry, I've been so rude and rambled on and on without even introducing myself. I'm Lydia Crowley."

"Aria Holt, but I have a feeling you already knew that."

"Oh yes. The whole school knows, I'm sure." Ah, I knew it. "It's not often we get Americans here, so you're kind of a big deal," Poppy adds without looking up from her tree. "Great. I'll be the shiny new toy." Looking up, Poppy smiles, "Precisely." She obviously doesn't see the big deal. I'm not used to this sort of thing. I've lived in the same city, same house, and have gone to the same school since I can remember. This isn't going to be easy.


It doesn't take us very long to get to know each other. Within just two hours I've learned that the reason Poppy was sent away from Ireland is that her parents are both divorced and remarried and she just wanted to get away. She talked her parents into letting her come to school here. She says it wasn't very hard because they didn't pay much attention to her when she was there. It's sad to imagine Poppy being so miserable that she wanted to leave the country. And I almost laugh at the thought of trying to convince my parents to let me go to a boarding school in another country.

Lydia, on the other hand, had to come here. Her parents and two older sisters are all alumni and it's a sort of tradition that every Crowley attend school here. She tells me that she doesn't necessarily hate it, but she doesn't like the fact that she didn't have any other choice. I think that if I would have seen Lydia on the street, I'd think that she was some rich spoiled brat. Sure, she is rich and spoiled, but I think she handles it well. I'd even say she's rather humble for someone who's able to buy a brand new house with just the bracelet on her wrist.

I also learn that Lydia is an artist. "You should she her paintings. They are amazing," Poppy tells me. Lydia smiles sheepishly, "They really aren't that good. You're dramatic, Poppy."

"I'm the dramatic one? Ha!" We all laugh, and I wonder how it was this easy to make friends. It almost doesn't feel real. I hope this isn't another dream.
Poppy spins the small gold hoop in her septum, and asks, "Are you guys starving, or is it just me?" Lydia raises her hand, "Nope, it's not just you." They both look at me and I shrug, "I guess I could eat."

Lydia claps. "Yes! Food it is then. We must go to the cafeteria." She gets off the bed and we follow right behind her. As we get to the end of the hall Lydia turns around suddenly, "Oh, one more thing. Poppy is vegan, so try not to look at her weird vegan food too disgustingly."

"Hey!" Poppy reaches around me and punches Lydia in the arm. Lydia screams and runs down the stairs. "You'll never catch me!" She yells at Poppy. I can't help but laugh at their immaturity. I didn't expect them to be like this. But of course, I definitely don't mind. This might not be as bad as I thought. If only my parents could meet my new friends. They'd find them just as amusing. They'd probably even run around with them.


Boom boom boom second chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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