Chapter 1

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Friday. It's finally Friday! I get up, still dreading the early morning routine for school, but at least I have more energy.

7:10 AM. My dad hands me a bowl of Froot Loops. As I'm falling asleep in my breakfast, I remember that I have to be on a plane tomorrow morning. Tonight I have my best friend's sweet sixteen and then 4 hours after I'm off to the airport. If I can't even stay awake after 7 hours of sleep how am I going to deal with less than 4?

My alarm goes off at 7:30 AM. Time to get up. I get ready and am off to school by 7:55 AM. I praise Jesus everyday that I live three minutes away from my high school. I'm not one for getting up early. I'm a teenager though, aren't we all like that?

I get to school with 3 minutes left until homeroom begins. I talk with my friend Rachel, who still makes fun of me despite the early morning. We have one of those relationships where we diss each other all we want yet we can always count on each other. Soon the bell rings, announcements are stated, and the next bell rings. First period begins.

I have Spanish. The worst class of the day. It's not just because it's first period. That obviously makes it suck more. But I just suck at Spanish this year. It's just way too complicated for me.

The morning goes by real quickly. After Spanish is a quiet study, theology, English, and global. Surprisingly, it seems like a breeze. My stomach has been growling since first period, despite me eating breakfast. I love food. So freaking much.

I always get judged for the way I eat. Instead of eating my corn muffin by biting it, I take pieces at a time with my fingers and put it in my mouth. I don't know why people find it so infatuating to watch me eat my muffin every single day, but they do! They reenact it, sticking their fingers all the way down their throats and chewing like cows. I don't even do that! What great friends I have. Now I eat my muffin in private, usually only putting it in my mouth when no one is looking. Kinda sucks but whatever.

Now that my rant is done, let me continue.
I have a corn muffin, granola bar, and pretzels for lunch. And that's only the part I have packed. I also have my friends strawberries, an ice cream bar, and some cookies. I don't understand how I can eat so much but it happens.

Lunch is over and the afternoon goes by pretty slowly. I have chemistry last period, which always feels like the end of the world. I'm in honors classes, so it's harder than my friend's classes and it's always so boring. Chemistry is hard by itself, the honors level is just painful. Chem is soon over and I run out the door.

I go to my locker, getting all my books ready for the weekend work. I take a look at my white board. Same old list there. The "things Jess isn't Jess without" list. My friends made it awhile back. It includes my friends' names, being a holy child", "turning guys gay", and "being sick for half the year". We will get back to that stuff later.

I get a text from my dad. He's finally outside. I race to the car and leave the school. Little do I know that I will never return as the same Jessica I was. 

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