chapter Two: The adventures of L.M.E

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     "That's shit Ayato and you know it. You have a career to think about!" Ren yelled drawing attention to our table.

     "Watch how you speak to my wife."Jumin said flatly starring st the man before him.

     " Mr. Trustfundkid I don't believe this is a talk for us to but in." Zen finally spoke after just observing. Lunch was going pretty late into the day. Only that was because we've spent most of it in an argument.

     "Anything to do with her has to do with me." Jumin let out clenching his jaw.

     "Ren I just don't see the point anymore. No one truly appreciated me in the industry anyway. You shouldn't be making such a fuss." I spoke softly trying to think of a way to make him understand.  How would Misa act? I thought to myself as he began to huff.

     "There is a point we wanted to show our parents that we could truly do this with out them. You turned down thousands of jobs because they even mentioned your parents. Now your just going to come back do one last album and throw it away. This is your dream the one thing we both wanted as kids. Ayato you're only nineteen why give it up now?" His voice pleaded with me.

     "Oh dear light, can't you tell this is where I need to be now. We've worked hard and I'm sure we can cleanse the world for good this tielme." I cheered giving him a hug causing him to relax. Only Ren could truly act aside me in any role he knew my favorite characters.  The ones I really learned from.

     "My dear Misa please understand our dreams aren't ones to be thrown away." He spoke softly into my hair as he hugged me back.

     "Now both of you two sit down after your little outburst. Your drawing attention to us." Grandfather spoke.

    "Yes Mr.President very well." Ren said letting me go and sitting back down.

     "Now I also wanted to ask you if you could actually along side Ren in one of his new projects. I know that's not what normally happens but this is special circumstances. We have a new talent like I've said and she well she needs some work but is a great actress. I want you to help them both they need a loving soul like you." He spoke taking his hand in mine. Grandfather trying to make things more loving to get a yes.

     "What acting?" Zen questioned earning me a questioning look from my prince.

     "Yes well okay maybe we should talk. See I'm really not so different to from my sweet Jumin. Only I guess my story isn't so cold. I know Zen you wouldn't know his life but you never tried so just listen. My family owns a talent agency we hire the best and brightest. Our objective is to bring happiness to the world from our art. With our talents I actually came here because we're opening and agency here. Now I guess you all would like to know more about it on a personal level?" I ended joking as if I wouldn't tell them.

     "My love why didn't you tell me." Jumin said a little hurt.

     "Because my sweet Jumin after meeting you guys I forgot. I didn't want to think of anything but you and Elizabeth the third. You guys are so important to me. Now back to the story. In Japan I and actually the number one female idol and sometimes actress. When me a Koun were young we lived so far away but we shared the same pain. We lived in out parents shadows but my take on things was simpler. I kept my name so that way everyone would know I turned those down because they favored me. Yes it was hard at first but now I'm at least respected for me. I worked hard, harder then even you Zen you will truly Learn a lot from us on this journey. I hope my not telling you all won't effect our relationship. " I let out bowing my head.

     "My little princess nothing could change how I think about you. You're the one to save me from myself. An I'm would gladly do anything to make sure you're happy. Now I'm not sure I can go and stay the hole time but at least the first week I can stay with you." He said reassuringly.

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